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The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
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Topic: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8 (Read 125762 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
2008 June 08, 00:11:03 »
With Lorelei's kind permission (okay, okay, she threatened to kill off my simself with every death imaginable), i hereby present the Bork Pool for Apartment Life:
Do you think EAxis has learned it's lesson? They'll go over the code with a fine-tooth comb? Hire 100 testers to combine this EP with every computer system and EP/SP in existence?
No??? I'm shocked ye have such little faith. If that's how you feel, then get out your crystal balls (or dust off the last bork pool) and present your guesses here.
Edit: to fix TWO stoopid mistakes
Last Edit: 2008 June 08, 00:55:24 by GayJohnScarritt
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #1 on:
2008 June 08, 00:23:52 »
"Woohoo in closet" accidentally allows "woohoo in wardrobe/dresser." A patch is released to correct this which disallows all interaction with dressers.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #2 on:
2008 June 08, 00:41:27 »
While the Murphy bed is folded up, sims drops the newspaper/books where the bed is supposed to fold down, resulting in a bed unable to be used.
- INTJ -
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #3 on:
2008 June 08, 01:08:39 »
Some, or most of the new content, will be missing past-EP interactions. If there are any new stereos, they will not allow Freetime tinkering, giving us evidence once and for all that they leach code from the community.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #4 on:
2008 June 08, 01:25:47 »
Spell effects will rely on pixel shading, and thus be invisible to a good 50% of the Simming population.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #5 on:
2008 June 08, 02:11:43 »
Quote from: Tingeling on 2008 June 08, 00:41:27
While the Murphy bed is folded up, sims drops the newspaper/books where the bed is supposed to fold down, resulting in a bed unable to be used.
Or sims will autonomously play kicky bag in the space. When you cancel the action it will leave stuck kicky bags there so that the bed can't be used.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Whiny Wussy
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #6 on:
2008 June 08, 02:56:07 »
I am going to guess that there will be a small chance that the bed can randomly fall open, killing any emo diary-writing sims, and canceling out the usefulness of having a space-saving bed.
Also, I like the title of this thread. Because when I think "apartments," I think "witches." ??
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Lord Darcy
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #7 on:
2008 June 08, 02:56:27 »
Quote from: Kazzandra on 2008 June 08, 01:08:39
If there are any new stereos, they will not allow Freetime tinkering, giving us evidence once and for all that they leach code from the community.
even FreeTime vintage stereo cannot be tinkered
, because EAxis disallowed Tinkering for
stereos except for 2 base game stereos. I've done a test with the modified Guardian BHAV of Tinkering interaction, and found out that Sims are perfectly able to Tinker FT vintage stereo. Lazy bastards.
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Feckless Fool
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #8 on:
2008 June 08, 04:56:56 »
Animations will be screw'd up for spiral stairs. Sims will walk up as normal, only to hit the ceiling or pass through it as they ascend. EA realizes their mistake forcing them to steal code from CC creators to fix their own stairs.
Tinkering of broken Murphy bed will result in 50% chance of bed falling on and killing tinkering Sim. (Actually, that would be pretty cool)
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #9 on:
2008 June 08, 05:25:38 »
Ceilings will have to be placed tile by tile, be 'in the way' in random places, and cause MOAR LAG.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 253
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #10 on:
2008 June 08, 05:48:16 »
Quote from: Cimaronna on 2008 June 08, 04:56:56
Tinkering of broken Murphy bed will result in 50% chance of bed falling on and killing tinkering Sim. (Actually, that would be pretty cool)
That would be cool, but I'm sure they'd screw up the stats on that and it would either be an impossibly low percentage, or else a 100% chance.
"More Romantic Than You" bed will accidentally be enabled for use by children. EA will panic and fix this in a patch, rendering it impossible for anyone to use it at all, meaning that it has become totally pointless.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1205
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #11 on:
2008 June 08, 06:51:02 »
Witches will not be able to change into swimwear, PJ's etc and will be stuck with their uniform.
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Edward Current
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #12 on:
2008 June 08, 09:37:54 »
Children will get stuck when being spun around by an adult - and remain their suspended in animation.
New Belladonna families will be borked and any new children born to them will be related to the Landlord NPC.
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #13 on:
2008 June 08, 09:43:47 »
I'm guessing the whole apartment system will be broken, resulting in missing families and furniture being deleted (seriously, why do they need to remove all the furniture except fridges/stoves/etc from an apartment when a family moves in?), issues with new/old fridges because of this, sims disappearing into npc owned apartments never to be seen again (ie. dorm fun coma syndrome), transparent sims ala dorm, stuck spell effects and reaction emitters, broken rain textures (there was some screenshot of the evil witches secret lot, the one with the spikes, the rain texture was missing and corrupt), landlords never leave/never show up,"lottery" rent, and landlord doesn't repair.
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The Genius
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #14 on:
2008 June 08, 14:05:25 »
Sims who are supposed to use only their own apartment will invade other apartments. You'll find your Sim-Teen sleeping in someone else's apartment.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 442
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #15 on:
2008 June 08, 15:13:05 »
NPCs will constantly start kitchen fires and the whole building will be engulfed in flames. Property destruction and motive failure for all! This will usually happen as the NPCs are fixing breakfast, so your sims will be too stinky and miserable to catch their carpool or school bus. The adults will lose their jobs and the kids will be repossessed by the social worker.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058
spukhafte Fernwirkung
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #16 on:
2008 June 08, 16:08:04 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 June 08, 02:56:27
Lazy bastards.
Heh! If anyone should know, it's Lord Darcy!
If they give us any new wall options, such as round walls, the ability for Sims to use anything against said walls will be destroyed, thus rendering them dead space and barely usable.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #17 on:
2008 June 09, 00:19:42 »
If you befriend the landlord and move him in or marry him, the game won't generate a new one. The lot will fall into disorder. The patch will make it impossible to have social interactions with landlords.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #18 on:
2008 June 09, 02:17:08 »
When a sim in an apartment invites someone over, the neighbors will come out of their apartments, chat with your guest, and steal them away to their own pads... never to be seen again. This will happen every time.
INFP or something
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #19 on:
2008 June 09, 12:00:09 »
Sims will randomly use the new 'social group' greetings on other sims. All sims will become infuriated with every other sim as a result. Eventually J M Pescado will release "antigroupactions".
The swimming pool slide will no longer work and children will not gain fun from using the new playground objects. However, children will obsessively use the playground objects whilst refusing to eat, sleep or do homework until the Social Worker forcibly removes them from the lot.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #20 on:
2008 June 09, 15:28:36 »
Having a social group greeting for a social group your sim is not in be used on them changes their social group, even when they are not the family in play.
Use of a witch broom on any lot stops erases all portals. Sims swimming in the ocean at the time will become stuck. Visitors will be unable to leave. The carpool or services will not arrive.
The new baby toys will have impossibly long animation loops. It will take approximately three sim hours to be able to pick a baby up from playing with its toy.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 580
Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #21 on:
2008 June 09, 19:44:13 »
The toddler spring toy will cause toddlers to burst into flames.
Apartment neighbors will have dormie invulnerability and will hog all the musical instruments (if accessible) or stand outside your playable's apartment door all day (if not accessible.) nouniinvulnerability will be updated to apply to apartment neighbors as well, but the side effect will be haunted apartments.
Since the radiator and air conditioning are Seasons-compatible, implying Apartments is built on Seasons, all Maxis BV/Freetime objects fixed by modders will be re-broken and need to be re-fixed.
The new lap dog will be broken. There will be at least four varieties, and Sims want slots will be clogged with wants to purchase every variety. Lap dogs won't have the same interactions as ordinary dogs, won't be recognized as a "dog" by real dogs, won't be trainable in the same way. Maximum number of pets in a household will be broken, and simultaneous births by a lap dog and a real dog will cause the game to crash.
Playground equipment will conduct lightning. Possibly not a bug, depending on your viewpoint, but EAxis will be horrified and will fix it in the patch, preventing lightning storms when children are using playground equipment.
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #22 on:
2008 June 09, 21:20:53 »
Well.. in theory, Lord Darcy's fixes shouldn't need updating, since his load after the games overrides? Maybe they'll just need plunking into the AL overrides folder.
Quote from: reggikko
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We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends
Reply #23 on:
2008 June 09, 23:56:58 »
Quote from: talysman on 2008 June 09, 19:44:13
The toddler spring toy will cause toddlers to burst into flames.
That one is funny.
The woohoo in closet interaction will cause the closet only to work for closet woohoo, or not at all.
When the apartment townies(apartmenties? menties? parties?) stay past 7:00, they will sleep in your apartment, and vice versa if you are in their apartment.
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: The Bork Pool for L&P Sims2 'Apartment Life/Fill Up With All The Odds & Ends'EP8
Reply #24 on:
2008 June 11, 02:51:32 »
I was thinking it would be appropriate if they upped the odds of robbery on apartment lots, since I hardly ever have them and I would LIKE more bad memories, dammit. But then I thought of the possible problems with that: they bork the odds like they did with the twins/cheesecake thing and the robber comes every night, or the robber tries to take things from neighboring apartments but gets stuck there, or if you have an alarm installed the landlord comes instead of the police, to name a few. Probably won't happen though.
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