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Author Topic: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.  (Read 267385 times)
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A flock of crapped nerds

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #275 on: 2008 June 27, 00:32:37 »

If your kid gets to 6, and you haven't taught her to have her own opinions about style and peer pressure, then you pretty much suck. MiniButt convinced all the kids at her school that wearing odd socks was better than matching.

MiniButt has good taste.

Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058

spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #276 on: 2008 June 27, 00:52:51 »

If your kid gets to 6, and you haven't taught her to have her own opinions about style and peer pressure, then you pretty much suck. MiniButt convinced all the kids at her school that wearing odd socks was better than matching.

I bet all of the other parents hated you for that.  I was that type of kid at school, and my parents were hated because other kids kept bringing home my latest fashion trend.
Ah-- it is for moments like that I am tempted to somehow procure a child.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #277 on: 2008 June 27, 22:20:00 »

My cousin came over from australia one year wearing a peice of string as a belt, odd socks and  striped arm warmers.
My sisters comes home from school that same day wearing a tie as a belt, odd socks and striped gloves.

Yep, it runs in the family.

ENTP = Mad Scientist.  Muwaahaahaa.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #278 on: 2008 June 29, 16:31:40 »

I've used a bike chain as a belt before.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #279 on: 2008 June 29, 16:47:30 »

I bet all of the other parents hated you for that.  I was that type of kid at school, and my parents were hated because other kids kept bringing home my latest fashion trend.

I remember starting the luminously coloured shoelaces trend at my school, which were also adapted into hair braids, bracelets and belts.
Unfortunately the laces came free in a box of cereal and I had no doubt helped contribute to the success of the evil marketing ploy. Fail...

Jess Maree
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #280 on: 2008 June 30, 15:22:55 »

Bleached blonde hair, orange skin and stupidness are all the rage at my school. Oh, and piling your hair on the top of your head so you look like a pineapple is SO in right now.

* Jess Maree grabs chlorine and heads to the gene pool

Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #281 on: 2008 June 30, 20:41:46 »

I just had to share this before June is officially over:

find it here:


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Lipless Loser
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #282 on: 2008 June 30, 21:10:35 »

I just had to share this before June is officially over:

[colorful beard pic]

Too late - June *is* officially over, as it's already July 1st in Malaysia. Too bad, because it would have been a nice entry.

"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado

Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #283 on: 2008 June 30, 21:15:40 »

So... What wins?

Pinheaded Pissant
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spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #284 on: 2008 June 30, 21:40:41 »

 Cheesy I don't think there are any judges!
Horny Turkey
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #285 on: 2008 June 30, 22:00:35 »

You tell us, Tsarina and Kazzandra, since you both just volunteered.

Whiny Wussy
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #286 on: 2008 June 30, 22:36:57 »

You tell us, Tsarina and Kazzandra, since you both just volunteered.


<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Grammar Police
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #287 on: 2008 June 30, 22:50:50 »

My mother went to school with one of the Roeblings. IIRC, the family was involved with designing the Brooklyn Bridge (and some other recognizable landmarks, but that one in particular). Young Sir went to school in rags and held his pants up with a length of twine. Needless to say, they are richer than Croesus.

Any fashion trend can be taken toi horrific extremes. Take the classic "preppy" look, for example. It isn't my personal style, but it can be sporty and understated and elegant, as classic, casual attire: crisp white shirt, khaki pants, loafers, pearls around the neck, a sweater tied around the shoulders. During the 80s, this look went to extremes, and included kelly green or bright red "khaki" (twill / chino) pants, red, navy or kelly green rubber "duck" shoes and Docksider loafers, patchwork madras pants, pants with little motifs like whales, anchors, boat wheels, nautical flags printed all over them, polo shirts in vile colours, sweaters with enormous flying ducks across the chest, monograms on everything, barrettes with thin ribbons attached to them, cheap add-a-bead necklaces, that sort of thing. Other looks that went too far were inspired by Madonna's "scraps of black lace + underwear as outerwear + visibly dyed hair with dark roots" look, the New Romantic buccaneer / pirate / dandy look, the 80s mullet (with or without one or two rat-tail braids at the nape of the neck and/or the Jersey mall bang (a claw of over-shellached forehead fringe)), the Flashdance look (exercise gear worn as daily attire, with big overshirts slipping off shoulders and scrunchie-corralled hair sprouts and legwarmers), the Wham! fluorescent colours + fake'n'bake tan trend (PROTIP: no one looks good in neon lime green), the Gunne Sax shapeless prairie dress trend (a hold-out from the "Little House on the Prairie" 70s granny dresses which were in turns hold outs from the 60s "found this antique flannel or muslin nightie in a charity shop, looks good to me as a dress" trend), etc.

The 70s went too far with the retro hippie (headbands, bellbottoms, ironed hair left over from the 60s) / disco (tiered skirts, halter tops, polyester shirts, gold chains, tight pants) / urban outdoorsman (suede vests, fringed stuff, wide-wale corduroy pants) trends, the 90s took grunge to new lows (flannel lumberjack shirts over tanks or tees, sloppy pants, toques), and the 00s ushered in urban Big Baby fashions inspired by "jailed" pants, gangsta rap and bling.

Then there are people who just give up and they buy sweatpants outfits as outerwear, holiday sweaters, Mom Jeans, sweatshirts with sports logos or bug-eyed kittens or puffy flowers on them. Don't be those people.

The biggest problem with fashions is that people don't know how to take inspiration from them, like designers do from catwalk fashions, and not take them as blueprints to copy exactly. Add to that the increased cult of celebrity / personality going on nowadays, and if Paris Hilton is seen in it, knock-offs (right down to the shoes, fake bake, peroxided hair, retro blue eyeshadow (never a good idea--sane people call it Beginner Blue), fugly oversized, overpriced purse/bag and small-yappy-dog-as-accessory) are going to be copied exactly by the dim who have no taste to their own.

I haven't followed a fashion trend since I started buying my own clothes. As such, I am surprised when I start trends myself, or accidentally do something considered "cool," because I am not trying, and don't pay attention to what other people wear any more, and just dress to suit my own looks and frame and personality. I may not change much, and I may wear kooky things that I know aren't fashionable because I am amused by them (I was overly fond of an oversized leopard-print fuzzy coat I got on the cheap in Camden Town when on holiday, and annoyed thoroughly when leopard print and fuzzy coats became a trend several months later, and I continue(d) to wear it after everyone else got sick of it and moved on to new trends I liked less). One fashion faux pas I am guilty of is the butterfly hair gripper thing. I have hair down past my elbows, and on windy days I have the choice to ponytail or braid it, which will crimp it into waves, or yank it up with a big butterfly clip. This is considered almost as bad as a scrunchie. Hey, it's my hair, and I won't wear one to a job interview, but I WILL wear one to keep hair out of my face if I have errands to run. I am also overly fond of black, because even different dye lots of black "match" and I don't like to spend a lot of time worrying about what to wear. Black with a v- or halter- or French scoop-necked shirt or a jacket (usually velvet, year-'round, another way I piss off fashion) in solid black or a solid bright colour or jewel tone, black pants is my uniform. I lightened up and accepted blue (rather than black) jeans as a "neutral" eventually. I don't like skirts or stuff with prints much, though I have lightened up and bought casual tees and tops with prints. I also have no imagination when it comes to shoes, because I don't give a crap about shoes, though I have learned a lot in recent years and have shoes other women seem to approve of, because my main goal is "I must be able to walk in them all day, with collapsible arches and a tendency to walk briskly." Fancy heeled shoes do force me to walk like "a lady," which otherwise would slow me down too much. Places to go, stuff to do, people to see, no time to worry about where I'm stepping in fussy, titchy, delicate little shoes.

MiniButt is well on the way to being an eccentric, fashion-allergic creative type. Not that there's anything wrong with that. People think I'm half my actual calendar age because I wear what looks good on me, whatever catches my eye and amuses me enough to put it on, and am comfortable without being a schlub. I do like my socks to match, but then I don't tend to get too creative in the sock department. I have a full drawer of black socks, a few patterned ones I was amused by but rarely wear, and so on. I went for years refusing to wear laced shoes or socks at all, and have another drawer full of black tights. I still hate white athletic shoes. I do not own any shorts. My legs are supposedly good, but I don't feel like having to think about sitting like a lady all day. Trousers and jeans work for me.

If you don't like current fashion, don't encourage the idiots who made or marketed it by buying or wearing it. Find what suits your height, colouring, frame and personality, buy quality stuff, and keep it looking nice. That's really all you need to do. I'm "outside" of fashion rather than being a candidate for What Not To Wear. I have pieces that are amusing and please me, but there is a time and place for them. I probably shop every other year, and that is when I need a dress for a formal event like a wedding or funeral, my shoes get holey, my boot heels get worn down, I need MOAR black pants / new jeans, or see a great deal on a plain cashmere v-neck sweater-top or jacket.

P.S. LOL, Assmitten!

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #288 on: 2008 June 30, 23:29:55 »

During the 80s, this look went to extremes, and included kelly green or bright red "khaki" (twill / chino) pants, red, navy or kelly green rubber "duck" shoes and Docksider loafers, patchwork madras pants, pants with little motifs like whales, anchors, boat wheels, nautical flags printed all over them, polo shirts in vile colours, sweaters with enormous flying ducks across the chest, monograms on everything, barrettes with thin ribbons attached to them, cheap add-a-bead necklaces, that sort of thing. Other looks that went too far were inspired by Madonna's "scraps of black lace + underwear as outerwear + visibly dyed hair with dark roots" look, the New Romantic buccaneer / pirate / dandy look, the 80s mullet (with or without one or two rat-tail braids at the nape of the neck and/or the Jersey mall bang (a claw of over-shellached forehead fringe)), the Flashdance look (exercise gear worn as daily attire, with big overshirts slipping off shoulders and scrunchie-corralled hair sprouts and legwarmers), the Wham! fluorescent colours + fake'n'bake tan trend (PROTIP: no one looks good in neon lime green), the Gunne Sax shapeless prairie dress trend (a hold-out from the "Little House on the Prairie" 70s granny dresses which were in turns hold outs from the 60s "found this antique flannel or muslin nightie in a charity shop, looks good to me as a dress" trend), etc.

"The '80s - the decade fashion forgot". Wink
I don't tend to follow fashions either. I wear what I like and  like what I wear. One thing I always wear (if I need to) is my lovely ankle-length dark green velvet coat. I used to have a purple one that I got for £25 (reduced from £125), but that one got attacked by too many tube barriers and died. Cry I'm making it into a bear now 'cos I can't bring myself to throw it away (apart from the fact that it's got sentimental value, it's real silk velvet). My new green one was a chance find in a shop that alternately sells weird crap and nice crap. It wasn't £25 though! Still, it was worth it. I looove velvet.

By popular demand, Tongue Deer:
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #289 on: 2008 June 30, 23:46:51 »

Okay. My judging, do not poke plz.

Honourable mention:

The infant-eating spider

"Sacrifice moar children NAO! NOM NOM. I actually think it's kind of cute, but that's beside the point.

Third place:
Sex on a rock

No, just no.

Second place:

It is chopped off, and she is drinking from it. Do. Not. Want.

First place:
The child whore

Because every kid needs a see-through shirt. I'm sure it has a visible buttcrack too.

Runner-ups were scary, bloody skin and The lady with mayonnaise in her face. And the Shower, of course.

Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1058

spukhafte Fernwirkung

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #290 on: 2008 July 01, 00:15:55 »

But we both entered the contest. That wouldn't be fair now, would it?

Though I think I can be quite objective. I'll try. Results may be disputed at your leisure. I'll try to keep it down to five categories, even though there was such a plethora of different material.

 Dial-up users and easily-offended people be warned!

Squick! DO NOT WANT!
1st place:
LIVEANGEL's Mayonnaise Girl!

2nd place:
Solowren's Cocka Cola:

3rd place:
Cappuccino's Shower of Urine:

1st place
 Strangel's androgynous clown Pooh:

2nd place
 Rohina's female peens:

Cappuccino's Cockihorn. Why, sug, WHY?

Assmitten's Fucking Furries

Dear Creator, what were you thinking when you made that? DO NOT WANT.
1st Place
madamejeanie's Ewan McGregor zombiefied:

2nd Place
Pay MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK for some sexy six year old gear! Complete with camel toe, hair-growing shoulder pores, and "room to grow:"

Spambi's "I put more work into the photo shopping to upload my creation than the creation itself!"

3rd place
Spambi's NOM of Crab Crib

For some reason, I found this category to be particularly competitive.
1st place:
Angie's spinning dick smelling. And the comments posted along with it.

2nd place:
Liveangel's little gem was overlooked. I DO NOT WANT Disney characters mixed with Square-Enix characters. I DO NOT WANT Kingdoms Heart Characters in the Sims. I DO NOT WANT disgusting, misspelled comments in an unedited video, filled with ZOMG! Making Out Kingdom Hearts characters popping out babies and in a state of constant motive desperation.

3rd place:
Rohina's NOM of narcissistic boring bullshit:

Project Silly was dumped for this stupid shit?
DISHONOURABLE mention: Rape video, complete with THRILLER dance at the end. Would have won 1st place, but it has been here before.

EAxis, we DO NOT WANT:

1. Your borked career costumes. You released this but oh no! We can't mesh a long hair, because the texture would warp!
2. Your SecuROM patch, implementing fixes that should have been fixed before release (and are already fixed by modders), and that you are bound to bork again.
3. Lorelei's list of DO.NOT.WANTS

And NO ONE WANTS Giggy's entry:Not even EAxis wanted it.

EDIT: WOW! I finally fixed all of my tags.  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: 2008 July 01, 00:30:07 by Kazzandra » Logged
Terrible Twerp
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #291 on: 2008 July 01, 00:30:44 »

My latest DO.NOT.WANT - but too late for this contest.  The EA store.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #292 on: 2008 July 01, 07:07:58 »

Spambi's "I put more work into the photo shopping to upload my creation than the creation itself!"

lol, good observation! Grin

Ah, that was a good month for awful creations, I wonder if the creators themselves even want those things in their games!

Dive in!
Insanity Prelude
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #293 on: 2008 July 03, 03:46:36 »

I like having children who are critical and suspicious of advertising.

I never did like clothes with logos on them. Why would you want to be a walking billboard?
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #294 on: 2008 July 03, 07:16:02 »

My latest DO.NOT.WANT - but too late for this contest.  The EA store.
You owe me a new keyboard. Damn, I forgot to enter teeth lipsticks and shiny skintones. DOH!

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