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Author Topic: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.  (Read 267375 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #250 on: 2008 June 23, 22:05:39 »

There is a lot wrong with that... but almost as bad is the comments on TSR about how great it is...

I don't know if I like this game anymore... I was enjoying everyones else's horrid finds... but when I thought I'd try to see what I could find... following the part that it's worse if they expect money in return, I went in search of a paysite... picked a name at random from the booty... went and looked at there clothes... now I want to hurl...

there is not a single outfit, that I saw (I refused to torture my eyes further by looking at them *all*) that I would imagine putting on a Sim of my worst enemy to burn them up in...
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #251 on: 2008 June 23, 22:56:00 »

Kazzandra:  For some reason your pic makes me think of "Attack of the 50 Foot Children!"  And I feel yucky because I can't seem to look away from their oddly protruding crotches. 
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #252 on: 2008 June 23, 23:11:47 »

I can't stop looking at the girl on the far right. Why does her head look so huge?
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #253 on: 2008 June 23, 23:41:13 »

It's a rogue overinflated balloon child from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #254 on: 2008 June 23, 23:55:06 »

I can't stop looking at the girl on the far right. Why does her head look so huge?

Her body mesh has been made skinnier, and that tends to inflate the head in comparison.  Real kids usually have a rounded stomach.

Horny Turkey
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #255 on: 2008 June 24, 00:23:18 »

It's the soupcon of camel toe that upsets me.

Grammar Police
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #256 on: 2008 June 24, 01:24:29 »

It's the soupcon of camel toe that upsets me.

That, and the tops with places to put bewbz that children do not have, and the fact that the heads look more like teens or young adults than children. Features are not childlike in proportion, and hairstyles are mostly too grown-up.

"Stop Dressing Your Six Year Old Like A Skank" is a humor writer's book's title, as well as being generally good advice that will not be taken by those who need to heed it most. As in most things involving competent child-rearing, advice like that is either preaching to the choir or likely to be dismissed by those who are guilty of doing the fucked-up parental thing as being advice that isn't meant for them, but which should be directed towards someone else who does an even worse job.

When I worked in retail and in restaurants and got my fill of The General Public, some of the best "must bite tongue" moments involved trailer trash moms complaining about another (absent) trailer-dweller's care and feeding of her child(ren). Meanwhile *hypocrisy and ignorance alert!* their own kids were FUBAR and unmannerly and frequently looked like they were about to ask random strangers on street corners if those strangers wanted a date with them. This type of person never has the critical capacity and self-awareness to apply basic good parenting advice towards herself.

Real Life example: A&E has been running promos for some show about psychic children. at least two kids in the promo were wearing stuff like fake French tip fingernails, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. The oldest child was, according to a quick web browse, barely 12 6. The youngest was 8 6. To be fair, the 8 6 didn't have the same level of tartiness as the barely 12s other 6s.

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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #257 on: 2008 June 24, 01:34:20 »

I was shopping in Bloomingdale's the other day for a baby shower gift, a store I generally think of as More Classy Than Me, and I passed a whole section of shirts for pre-teens that said "JUICY" in huge letters.  Now, I know that's a brand that makes some cute stuff (for adults) but some random drooling pedophile on the street is going to be quite intrigued by your daughter's alleged juiciness if she wears that shirt.  Ick.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #258 on: 2008 June 24, 01:48:08 »

It's the soupcon of camel toe that upsets me.

That, and the tops with places to put bewbz that children do not have, and the fact that the heads look more like teens or young adults than children. Features are not childlike in proportion, and hairstyles are mostly too grown-up.

Not to mention the fact that the girl on the right has her hair coming through her too-thin body.  Not only is this DO.NOT.WANT for moral reasons, but the creator also picked a flawed hairstyle for one of her models.

Real Life example: A&E has been running promos for some show about psychic children. at least two kids in the promo were wearing stuff like fake French tip fingernails, mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. The oldest child was, according to a quick web browse, barely 12 6. The youngest was 8 6. To be fair, the 8 6 didn't have the same level of tartiness as the barely 12s other 6s.

Urgh, I'm reminded of those beauty queen kids.  Kids aren't dolls - they shouldn't be dressed up, given over-elaborate hairstyles, have their faces done with heavy makeup and then be paraded around a stage to satisfy their parents' unfulfilled dreams & ambitions and/or egos.  They should be allowed to be kids - they're not kids for long anyway, there's plenty of time for beauty pageants (if that's what the child wants) when they're grown up.  There's something very very ewwww about parents who turn their little girls into beauty queens.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #259 on: 2008 June 24, 02:15:20 »

there is not a single outfit, that I saw (I refused to torture my eyes further by looking at them *all*) that I would imagine putting on a Sim of my worst enemy to burn them up in...

Wow, you're right. I can't believe I've never seen that site and its "over 2,000+ fashions!!!" before. I've never seen so many crappy textures pasted on EA/Maxis meshes in one place, and I've only made it to the second page. And all that for only $10.

I like this set of clothes, because they're all basically the same texture with different alpha edits (and the alpha edits themselves are big WTF's)  --

I don't even know what to say about the business suit paired with the argyle bicycle shorts and whatever that is on the bottom (leg warmers?)
« Last Edit: 2008 June 24, 02:21:06 by spambi » Logged
J. M. Pescado
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #260 on: 2008 June 24, 02:31:06 »

I think that one has appeared here before.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #261 on: 2008 June 24, 04:33:49 »

I think that one has appeared here before.

The big headed children or glamoursim? I did a search and you're right that glamoursim has been nominated before -- it appeared in the first More Awful contest (bad pants.) You have a good memory for bad clothing.

Anyway, this was the first time I remember someone nominating the site and I was astonished I hadn't seen it before, being the CC hound that I am.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #262 on: 2008 June 24, 04:40:02 »

Sorry, I only checked the first page of this forum, contests only went back as far as Sept(?) of last year... The pants one must be further back.


nope, just me being a dumbass... I was only scanning the first few words of the threads, and the older ones start with the month instead of "More Awful Than You"
Insanity Prelude
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #263 on: 2008 June 24, 04:41:28 »

Why is this a featured upload? It's just creepy. Do not want.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #264 on: 2008 June 24, 07:46:51 »


Why is this a featured upload? It's just creepy. Do not want.

That reminds me of the rabbit from Monty Python, seemingly cute and harmless, and then it jumps up and mauls your face off.

"The moral of it speaks to me : rape me, sodomize me, beat me, but don't ever - ever - try to make me cook and clean." - Khaki
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Jess Maree
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #265 on: 2008 June 24, 07:49:48 »

Why is this a featured upload? It's just creepy. Do not want.

It looks so...sad! Poor thing.

Fuck you, Old Man. Fuck you.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #266 on: 2008 June 24, 15:15:08 »

there is not a single outfit, that I saw (I refused to torture my eyes further by looking at them *all*) that I would imagine putting on a Sim of my worst enemy to burn them up in...

Wow, you're right. I can't believe I've never seen that site and its "over 2,000+ fashions!!!" before. I've never seen so many crappy textures pasted on EA/Maxis meshes in one place, and I've only made it to the second page. And all that for only $10.

I've seen it before and wanted to nominate it for this contest, but couldn't remember the name of it, nor where to find it.

I like this set of clothes, because they're all basically the same texture with different alpha edits (and the alpha edits themselves are big WTF's) 

This holds true for most of their outfits, just that it's in different colours and patterns. Check out page 6 for abuse of the Burberry-pattern, or page 8 for crap in pink, white, and black.

Tests say I'm INFP. I feel that ISFP describes what I act like more accurately than INFP, though. But both descriptions are pretty covering, so take your pick, or combine them.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #267 on: 2008 June 26, 01:22:13 »

Errrg. DO NOT WANT this.

I can't quite pinpoint all of the things wrong with this entry, but I know it is wrong and I do not want it.

Bloaty head - that's what wrong with it.  Here, pass me that pin.

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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #268 on: 2008 June 26, 05:10:30 »

Errrg. DO NOT WANT this.
I can't quite pinpoint all of the things wrong with this entry, but I know it is wrong and I do not want it.
Bloaty head - that's what wrong with it.  Here, pass me that pin.
What, you don't notice that it's bound to make pedophiles drool over the kids wearing those?
The head just looks bloated:
Her body mesh has been made skinnier, and that tends to inflate the head in comparison.  Real kids usually have a rounded stomach.
there is not a single outfit, that I saw (I refused to torture my eyes further by looking at them *all*) that I would imagine putting on a Sim of my worst enemy to burn them up in...
It isn't so much the clothing that makes me want to bleach my eyes. Heck, I'm probably gonna put this gem on Sim Gali. My DO NOT WANT from that site is the blinking "2. Sign up". 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, break it down, STOP! ADBLOCK TIME!

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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #269 on: 2008 June 26, 18:56:01 »

The entry from Kazzandra is one ugly bunch of kids..and you're right-the heads are a teen or adult's on a child's mis-formed body. I saw those and stared at them the other day at the site..couldn't believe it. The creator is either a pedophile in lurk or a lazy idiot..whichever comes first. I think they're repulsive and sickening. Very bad to see that kind of creation and know that others will download it thinking, "oh,, my very own slut pre-teen dollies."
God only knows what one does with this kind of sim..I don't even want to go there.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
Whiny Wussy
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #270 on: 2008 June 26, 19:59:53 »

The entry from Kazzandra is one ugly bunch of kids..and you're right-the heads are a teen or adult's on a child's mis-formed body. I saw those and stared at them the other day at the site..couldn't believe it. The creator is either a pedophile in lurk or a lazy idiot..whichever comes first. I think they're repulsive and sickening. Very bad to see that kind of creation and know that others will download it thinking, "oh,, my very own slut pre-teen dollies."
God only knows what one does with this kind of sim..I don't even want to go there.

I can certainly see why you would say that, but I don't know if it's that simple. Anyone who has a 6- or 12-year-old girl knows that the real life clothing choices can be pretty wack. Someone is buying those clothes for their girls. I see them on girls. I feel like it ties into that princess culture thing. I suspect a lot of people are leaning less towards sexualizing their girls and more towards "glamorizing" them. Others, of course, have more sinister motives. But parents are co-opting is culture as well.


<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #271 on: 2008 June 26, 20:14:48 »

Anyone who has a 6- or 12-year-old girl knows that the real life clothing choices can be pretty wack. Someone is buying those clothes for their girls. I see them on girls. I feel like it ties into that princess culture thing. I suspect a lot of people are leaning less towards sexualizing their girls and more towards "glamorizing" them. Others, of course, have more sinister motives. But parents are co-opting is culture as well.

I'm glad I'm having a boy. I have no idea what I'd do if I had a daughter who suddenly started wanting to wear all these clothes because everyone else was.

Time has gathered us here by coincidence; that's why what we say doesn't make any sense.
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #272 on: 2008 June 26, 21:32:51 »

I'm glad I'm having a boy. I have no idea what I'd do if I had a daughter who suddenly started wanting to wear all these clothes because everyone else was.
"You'll wear this ankle-length burlap bag and you'll LIKE IT."
Horny Turkey
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #273 on: 2008 June 26, 21:36:11 »

If your kid gets to 6, and you haven't taught her to have her own opinions about style and peer pressure, then you pretty much suck. MiniButt convinced all the kids at her school that wearing odd socks was better than matching.

Whiny Wussy
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Re: More Awful than You! June: Stuff that you Do. Not. Want.
« Reply #274 on: 2008 June 26, 22:52:13 »

I'm glad I'm having a boy. I have no idea what I'd do if I had a daughter who suddenly started wanting to wear all these clothes because everyone else was.
"You'll wear this ankle-length burlap bag and you'll LIKE IT."

Yes, there's no reason to cave to it.

And I agree with rohina, but it's even more than peer pressure. It's popular culture jamming it down your throat, too. When every other store that you walk into is chockablock with logos and or size six halter tops, it's hard to be that lone voice saying "no." It's worth it, though, obviously. I like having children who are critical and suspicious of advertising.

<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
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