I finally caught the faulty baby changing table that was causing abnormality on Maxis changing tables and fridges. How does it manage to do?
I first updated it to FT, to no vail. Then I decided to fix it by cloning a Maxis changing table, and importing CC meshes and textures, because I like its look. Based on Inge's pointers in another thread and a modding tutorial (JWoods' object creation from start to finish), I did the following, but it crashed my game, once when loading a house which has a changing table in it. I changed more things then it crashed the game when I'm accessing changing table in the buy catalog (using the eyedrop tool). Can awesome people look at what I did and tell me what's wrong? Thanks.
1. Export the custom mesh and texture: TXTR(both items), GMDC (both items)
2. Make a clone of Sanitation Station Baby changing table, using Default setting.
3. In the clone, delete TXTR and GMDC items, add from the extracted CC TXTR, GMDC.
4. In GMDC, on Menu, select "Tool"->"Object Tools"-> Fix Integrity, "ok". Do not "update".
5. In Object Data, copy paste the CC GUIDs for all the three items. For the main item, check "Update all MMATs", "Update", "commit". For the other two (with 0,0 or 1,0 as appendix), only "Commit", "Save".
6. Change price in Object Data.
7. In Catalog description (CTSS), change string name to CC's name.