As you may have noticed, Numenor added a shiny new feature in AGS
New Feature:
Empty Game - This will create a perfectly empty game, without neighborhoods, sub-nh, sims, lots: nothing at all. Choose this option if you want to create an entirely new neighborhood to share with other players.
The neighborhoods created in this empty game will require the newest EP, among the ones you selected (if you deselect all the EP, the resulting NH will be base-game compatible). The size of the created empty NH can vary, but it's extremely small (a base-game simple NH: 190 Kb; an all-EP NH with college, downtown, shop district and 3 vacation dest.: 16 Mb)
My question is, can it be considered as an alternative to the clean templates? Can you create an empty neighborhood using it, and then copy the whole nhood folder to the normal game and retain the 'emptiness'?