The problem was that I'm trying to use BV on a totally different way. I don't send anyone over there to make holidays but to have a second house. Some of my hoods don't have beaches so I buy a second home for my Sims on the beach. If you build the house in one of the OFB subhoods, they are forced to Move in. In Vacation Lots, you can have a second house without necessarily live in it.
The mementos are only sort of curiosity for me. Why would someone add 45 tokens to the game that have absolutely no function?
One from two - someone requested (
) or there's the intention to use those tokens in possible future EPs and connect interactions that will force you to BUY BV.
Well, if I'm wrong in both theories, I can have good use for those tokens.
Back to the waking up 4 AM. Besides this stupid bug, the game does not speed up anymore while Sims are sleeping. So, I spend the night time having to observe vacationists dancing hula on my camping places. Well, I had to take advantage of this bore and them I started to change appearance of the vacationists in the meantime. It is very useful to add hats, sunglasses, etc on the superfluous Sims. I wished I could self change their clothing too. It is really a limitation that you have to move a Sim in to be able to change their clothes. Most of them are unproperly dressed for the hood they visit. One of my vacationists was using Fur Coat on a Tropic hood.