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Author Topic: This amused me  (Read 19866 times)
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #25 on: 2008 May 15, 03:27:45 »

Joe!!!!  Anyway, that was funny.  I think I see a bunny with a pancake on its head.

Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie.  Now with moar dark!
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #26 on: 2008 May 15, 04:42:15 »

At least the cheat can't be stolen.  That always annoyed the hell out of me with gnomes.  It was cute the first few times, then it was just bloody annoying.
I remember downloading a small decorative windmill from somewhere, but as it turned out, it was cloned from the gnome, so it was stolen the first day.
Another time I had a gnome in front of the house, pretty close to the mailbox.  Some passer by stole it just as the kids were about to get on the school bus, resulting in them all dropping their queue to yell at the thief and thus missing their ride.

For me, the big thing about the cheat is not its inability to be stolen. Gnome/Chicken theft is  pretty easily prevented with a lockable gate.

It's the Sentrybot angle.

Every lot I routinely play has a Sentrybot. The newspaper exists to attempt to be stolen by the various Grouchy Sims I have wandering my neighborhood, and the Sentrybot tasers them before they can take it. The sentrybot will also taser any visitor or walkby Sim after he has kicked over the trashcan (not before).

THe problem is that the Sentrybots will also go after any visitor who decides to steal a stealable chicken or gnome,  or kick a flamingo, gnome, or chicken. It does not matter if the visitor could not possibly reach the item, the mere act of putting it in queue alerts the Sentrybot. And a zapped Visiting Sim Sim leaves the lot after being zapped.

This is inconvenient if the Sim who decided to kick a flamingo is someone Sims in the household are trying to befriend. This can be rather undesirable if the Sim who decides to kick a gnome is a Nanny holding guarding a home alone Baby or Toddler.


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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #27 on: 2008 May 15, 06:05:24 »

Don't forget about sim color preferences. Did you know that sims prefer red?
... except that THAT argument was with someone who was making an extreme, unsupported statement and not doing a good job of offering any proof.

Now, it's always possible that the Cheat isn't an art object and doesn't have the View interaction... so I popped the Cheat into SimPE just now and looked at the TTAB. Because, you know, I might be wrong.

Well, what do you know. There's a View function in the TTAB. And the semi-global file is FlamingoGlobals.
Lipless Loser
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #28 on: 2008 May 15, 06:57:20 »

Obviously someone has proof that the Cheat was cloned from the gnome and had flamingo globals added to it.  It is a fucking hacked object. 

Lord Darcy
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #29 on: 2008 May 15, 12:57:11 »

Now, it's always possible that the Cheat isn't an art object and doesn't have the View interaction... so I popped the Cheat into SimPE just now and looked at the TTAB. Because, you know, I might be wrong.

Well, what do you know. There's a View function in the TTAB. And the semi-global file is FlamingoGlobals.

Flamingo isn't the only object that uses FlamingoGlobals. All kickable sculptures like Chicken or Gnome use FlamingoGlobals as well.

Cheat seems to be cloned from Gnome. Steal/Steal Back options were removed, and custom sound effect was added.
Gnome has hidden interactions "Talk" and "Play", which are only available as autonomous actions for outgoing/playful Sims, respectively. I guess the Sim in screenshot is a very outgoing Sim.

No matter which object it was cloned from, sims can talk while viewing an art object, so even if the "Talk to" action itself isn't available as an autonomous action, there's still another route to get to the observed behavior.

It's not the behaviour that can be observed in View interaction, it's hidden Talk interaction that's only available for Gnomes.

ETA: Checked in-game to be sure. For very playful Sims, "Play" interaction shows up. But for very outgoing Sims, "Talk" does not, it's only available as an autonomous interaction. It seems that Sims won't autonomously talk to gnomes unless they're alone.
« Last Edit: 2008 May 15, 13:38:01 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #30 on: 2008 May 15, 14:59:04 »

Don't forget about sim color preferences. Did you know that sims prefer red?
... except that THAT argument was with someone who was making an extreme, unsupported statement and not doing a good job of offering any proof.

Now, it's always possible that the Cheat isn't an art object and doesn't have the View interaction... so I popped the Cheat into SimPE just now and looked at the TTAB. Because, you know, I might be wrong.

Well, what do you know. There's a View function in the TTAB. And the semi-global file is FlamingoGlobals.

My comment was in response to Kazzandra's
MATY-- where funny screenshots turn into debates about "extra special art objects!"
"Screenshots" + "extra special" = Gali's failure to recognize the merits of the scientific method to me. The cheat is cloned from a decorative object and so, of course, has the view function. I've looked at it in SimPE before because I was contemplating recoloring it.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #31 on: 2008 May 15, 18:32:11 »

Now, it's always possible that the Cheat isn't an art object and doesn't have the View interaction... so I popped the Cheat into SimPE just now and looked at the TTAB. Because, you know, I might be wrong.

Well, what do you know. There's a View function in the TTAB. And the semi-global file is FlamingoGlobals.

Flamingo isn't the only object that uses FlamingoGlobals. All kickable sculptures like Chicken or Gnome use FlamingoGlobals as well.
Right. My point was, it's an art object. Whether it's cloned from the gnome or from the flamingo, it has the standard art object actions.

No matter which object it was cloned from, sims can talk while viewing an art object, so even if the "Talk to" action itself isn't available as an autonomous action, there's still another route to get to the observed behavior.

It's not the behaviour that can be observed in View interaction, it's hidden Talk interaction that's only available for Gnomes.

ETA: Checked in-game to be sure. For very playful Sims, "Play" interaction shows up. But for very outgoing Sims, "Talk" does not, it's only available as an autonomous interaction. It seems that Sims won't autonomously talk to gnomes unless they're alone.
I don't know which interaction it is, because he's claiming it's some new unprecedented behavior. The screenshot shows the sim with a speech balloon with the image of the flamingo; that happens a lot with View. On the other hand, the sim isn't standing, which is unusual for View, which suggests Talk ... but you've just researched it and found out Talk doesn't appear autonomously unless they're alone, and this sim isn't alone. So either a glitch made the game call View from a crouching position, or a glitch made the game call Talk when not alone.

Either way, it's a function that's already in the game. Not magical. Just occuring under unusual circumstances.
Town Crier
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #32 on: 2008 May 15, 18:55:45 »

I don't know which interaction it is, because he's claiming it's some new unprecedented behavior. The screenshot shows the sim with a speech balloon with the image of the flamingo; that happens a lot with View. On the other hand, the sim isn't standing, which is unusual for View, which suggests Talk ... but you've just researched it and found out Talk doesn't appear autonomously unless they're alone, and this sim isn't alone. So either a glitch made the game call View from a crouching position, or a glitch made the game call Talk when not alone.

Either way, it's a function that's already in the game. Not magical. Just occuring under unusual circumstances.

Ok, I'll say this slowly, in a nice numbered list, at the risk of boring other readers to tears since I'm mostly repeating myself:

1) The sim lives alone. 
2) The maid just arrived, and the other sim in the picture is a walk-by who was not acknowledged, as the sim was busy talking to the cheat.
3) You're assuming the interaction just started; it had actually been going on a while, when I decided it would be neat to get a picture (I think I took more than one, actually -- her talking about the flamingo to the cheat just seemed to be the perfect one to post).  The other two sims in the picture arrived a good 20+ sim-minutes after the interaction started.
4) There was no glitch.
5) The interaction was autonomous. It was the first thing she did after getting out of the shower.
6) The sim's action icon said "Talk".
7) See # 4.
8 ) I never said it was "magical" or not there in the game code somewhere, or some mysterious super-secret unprecedented behavior that's triggered by the phase of the moon. If you read the first message of the thread, all I said was that "In all the years I've been playing TS2, this is the first time I've seen a sim spontaneously talk to an inanimate object".
9) So, in simple English, "I've just never seen it before."
10)The only claim I made that was in error in this thread was that the Cheat had a "Talk" menu option -- I have since checked, and it doesn't, as LD confirmed.
11) So reread the thread, stop putting words in my mouth, or saying I made claims I didn't, and arguing with me about them.
12) Oh, and see #4.

What that simple enough for you, you fucking moron?
« Last Edit: 2008 May 15, 19:04:28 by jsalemi » Logged

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #33 on: 2008 May 15, 19:33:56 »

Ok, I'll say this slowly, in a nice numbered list, at the risk of boring other readers to tears since I'm mostly repeating myself...

Trans:  All I wanted to do was share something I found amusing.  I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.

Tribulatio proxima est
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #34 on: 2008 May 15, 19:55:37 »

In the future, then, if you don't want people to think you aren't suggesting something magical, I would suggest that you not start talking about how your sim's second Popularity aspiration must have kicked in. It didn't. It's an interaction that was always part of the object, and it advertised itself at the right moment. You should also probably not flip out when people suggest that something may actually be part of the game already, or argue that the Cheat can't be an art object, because it's not cloned from a flamingo. What kind of retarded argument is that?

Maybe I'm too mean for MATY, but if someone says something kind of ditzy, I'm going to assume they're a ditz, especially if they come back with irrational counterarguments. Sorry I hurt your feelings, Joe.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #35 on: 2008 May 15, 19:59:31 »

Ok, I'll say this slowly, in a nice numbered list, at the risk of boring other readers to tears since I'm mostly repeating myself...

Trans:  All I wanted to do was share something I found amusing.  I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!


"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
Town Crier
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #36 on: 2008 May 15, 21:30:39 »

In the future, then, if you don't want people to think you aren't suggesting something magical, I would suggest that you not start talking about how your sim's second Popularity aspiration must have kicked in. It didn't. It's an interaction that was always part of the object, and it advertised itself at the right moment. You should also probably not flip out when people suggest that something may actually be part of the game already, or argue that the Cheat can't be an art object, because it's not cloned from a flamingo. What kind of retarded argument is that?

Maybe I'm too mean for MATY, but if someone says something kind of ditzy, I'm going to assume they're a ditz, especially if they come back with irrational counterarguments. Sorry I hurt your feelings, Joe.

You just continue putting words in my mouth, arguing those words are wrong, and then you say I'M the ditz?  Fuck off, you fucking troll -- I done with you and your 12-ness.

PS -- you think you're "too mean for MATY"?  You really are 12, aren't you? I've been here way longer than you, and you haven't BEGUN to see mean.  Heck, I'm just at the annoyed stage -- you don't want to see me mean...


Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #37 on: 2008 May 15, 22:28:10 »

Every lot I routinely play has a Sentrybot. The newspaper exists to attempt to be stolen by the various Grouchy Sims I have wandering my neighborhood, and the Sentrybot tasers them before they can take it. The sentrybot will also taser any visitor or walkby Sim after he has kicked over the trashcan (not before).

THe problem is that the Sentrybots will also go after any visitor who decides to steal a stealable chicken or gnome,  or kick a flamingo, gnome, or chicken. It does not matter if the visitor could not possibly reach the item, the mere act of putting it in queue alerts the Sentrybot. And a zapped Visiting Sim Sim leaves the lot after being zapped.

Brilliant!  Talk about crime prevention.  I've not really used those - I think I'm going to make one now.  My husband would love it if I gave him one of those for his birthday.

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Re: This amused me
« Reply #38 on: 2008 May 16, 06:53:44 »

*Emma P&L @ talysman

I'd shut up if I were you. Joe is one of the most easy-going people on this site, but if you piss him off he will tear you a new one. And smile while doing it.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #39 on: 2008 May 16, 08:33:24 »

Run, Run!  It's the magical gnome conspiracy!
Save yourself!  Women and children last!

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Re: This amused me
« Reply #40 on: 2008 May 16, 09:41:28 »

I'd shut up if I were you. Joe is one of the most easy-going people on this site, but if you piss him off he will tear you a new one. And smile while doing it.

Hur. And the rest of us will probably be grinning like loons as well.

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Bearded Bigamist
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #41 on: 2008 May 16, 12:20:55 »

This is right up there with ASSlynh and her RAMS.

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Re: This amused me
« Reply #42 on: 2008 May 16, 14:17:24 »

Ok, I'll say this slowly, in a nice numbered list, at the risk of boring other readers to tears since I'm mostly repeating myself...

Trans:  All I wanted to do was share something I found amusing.  I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Our chief weapon is fear -- fear and surprise.  Our TWO weapons are fear, surprise and torture.  Our three, three weapons are fear, surprise, torture, and a fanatical devotion to the pope...


I'll come in again....

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #43 on: 2008 May 16, 14:26:58 »

I'll come in again....

Thank you, Cardinal Biggles.

Don't forget the soft cushions

...and the rack.

Tribulatio proxima est
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Re: This amused me
« Reply #44 on: 2008 May 17, 13:52:22 »

This is right up there with ASSlynh and her RAMS.


I am torn between not wanting to see Joe's head asplode and seeing MOAR FIGHT and MOAR MEENNIS.

Of course, Joe has the pointiest sticks around. He keeps them well-maintained and rarely dulls them on lamers, so they don't get blunt and need sharpening quite as soon as everyone else's.

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