If you have failed to represent a submission here as yet, then you still have until September 21 to show that you are not a complete loser.
Fine, here's my entry (just to show that I even fail to be a
complete loser):
MATY senate, impostor view (looks exactly the same from all sides):

Ingame shot from below:

Ingame shot from above:

Inside view - I wanted to point out that the balconies are completely useless just like the senator rank, too bad that the pun only works in German ("Rang" means both theater balcony and rank):

El Presidente's loge - yeah, custom content, but I had to


Best view from all seats into the pit of doom (nothing compared to Cimaronna's cool arena, though):

I have all EPs and SPs up to FT/IKEA, but IIRC, the only thing I used which requires post-OfB is the "blood" terrain paint in the pit.
shw_MATYsenate.zip (Trogdor bush not included)