Yet another PHAIL by EAxis. KBID updated Property Sets of all base game clothing to Pets. Base game adult clothes previously unavailable for YAs are now enabled for YAs as well.
However, EAxis made the same kind of mistake as omitting Seasons/FT functions for appliances. The default wedding dress was made buyable in OFB, but they never care about updated features from later EPs, of course.
EAxis should have updated newer Property Set for wedding dress included in OFB. Instead, they updated outdated Property Set included in base game, thus hiding it again from CAS just like in pre-OFB days.
This unlocker restores the missing default wedding dress which was eated by K&B stuff pack. The dress will show up in CAS without debug mode on, and Sims can buy it from shops again.
YAs can wear the default wedding dress as well, and the redundant clone included in Seasons is hidden from CAS and buy mode.

WTF is going on there, repeatedly reverting back to outdated versions of game files?

EAxis is doing the same thing with every new EP. Bugs once fixed by patch for previous EP are resurrected in the new EP, because those idiots in EAxis do not possess a single ounce of common sense
not to build new features upon outdated, discarded version.
Depending on the combination of EPs/SPs you have, you may still be able to buy default wedding dress even after you install K&B. There are two identical versions for this dress, so the other one may still be activated. But if you have all EPs/SPs up to K&B or IKEA, you won't be able to buy this dress anymore without fix. Only get this fix if you can't find this dress in CAS without turning debug mode on.
Installation:You can put this fix in your Downloads folder as usual, but please be aware that the delete button
for the wedding dress may be enabled in BodyShop and CAS. You might accidentally delete it.
If you want to disable the delete button completely, put the fix in here:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 <YOUR LATEST EP>\TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins (or the corresponding folder on your system if your game isn't installed in C:\Program Files)
E.g. if your latest EP is Apartment Life, the location will be like this:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Apartment Life\TSData\Res\Catalog\Skins
If this fix does not work in the above location, try here:
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff\TSData\Res\Catalog\SkinsFiles are loaded in alphabetical order, the last loaded overriding the ones loaded earlier.
If you want to keep the fix in \Skins folder, DO NOT remove z- prefix from the file name. It's there to ensure that the fix is loaded
after Skins.package, overriding original Property Set.
If you want to make a subfolder for your fixes/hiders/unlockers under \Skins folder, name the subfolder as something like
z_Fixes, so that files in the subfolder load
after Skins.package.
Changelog: v1.0: Initial release.
v1.01: Hides the redundant clone of the default wedding dress included in Seasons. (2008/09/01)