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Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
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Topic: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10) (Read 564990 times)
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #150 on:
2008 December 10, 10:53:49 »
The soccer uniform set is also available in
, which EAxis recycled in FT except for face makeup and toddler version.
AFAIR, there was no official EAxis-made objects that was exclusive for German site. Fiat Punto is official, but it's available on several official European EA sites. Other objects like egg radio or plumbob trophy are not EAxis-made, they were made with SimPE. I wouldn't consider them as official. Only those 2 carnival skins for CF and AM are their exclusive official EAxis-made stuff.
Last Edit: 2008 December 10, 11:02:08 by Lord Darcy
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Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #151 on:
2008 December 10, 18:12:41 »
Thanks Lord Darcy for clearing it up. I could sworn they used to have more themed outfits, including a Christmas Story Bunny Outfit but going on the international exchanges my browser did not display properly. Maybe later I switch to another and try to make one big archive of them.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #152 on:
2008 December 11, 18:51:18 »
I remember the free rabbit costumes and facepaint from the exchange. I had them in my game but then got sick of them as I didn't use them and so I deleted them.
Darcy, who did make the easter egg radio that was given away on the German site this past Easter (or was it 2007?) as a part of their 'egg hunt' then?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #153 on:
2008 December 12, 14:49:53 »
Quote from: nanacake on 2008 December 10, 18:12:41
I could sworn they used to have more themed outfits, including a Christmas Story Bunny Outfit
Apart from last year's Advent Calendar, which were entirely fan-made contents, I don't remember anything related to Christmas from German site.
Quote from: Menaceman on 2008 December 11, 18:51:18
Darcy, who did make the easter egg radio that was given away on the German site this past Easter (or was it 2007?) as a part of their 'egg hunt' then?
I don't know who, but a quick look into the package file revealed that it was indeed made with SimPE.
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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #154 on:
2008 December 24, 20:31:50 »
Lord Darcy, the M&G set is now complete. Get the Moroccan/Art Deco bench
The other two items are
(Gnome) and
I just checked the bench in-game, it displays wrong shadows. Unfortunately I'm useless with shadows.
Another edit:
Havelock fixed shadows and added missing red texture, thanks Havelock! Removed attachment, download his version
Last Edit: 2008 December 25, 20:03:17 by Richief
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #155 on:
2009 January 02, 03:02:16 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 March 31, 15:06:07
I've been de-customizing and updating several Maxis official clothings and objects. (preorders/Exchange stuff)
What's the difference:
Objects were updated to Apartment Life, in case update is required.
Unrecolorable objects and formerly unrecolorable subset in recolorable objects were made recolorable.
Redundant resources like duplicate textures and animation files were removed to reduce the size. Compressed with
jfade's compressorizer
Custom star was removed from clothing/hair thumbnails. Instead they bear the corresponding EP/SP icon...
How did you do this?
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #156 on:
2009 January 02, 19:03:33 »
Take a look
... There's also some interesting info at the begining of the thread, why don't you read a bit?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Blue Riceball
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #157 on:
2009 January 08, 07:46:33 »
Thank you Lord Darcy, I've seen you're work around MTS2, there are much more useful stuff here
I want to change the icon of an item, not made by you actually, it was made by Argon, I want to change the pets icon on one hair he decustomized, can you give me a short guide about just making the hair to be 'included' in... Apartment Life bins? or whatever they called? (sorry for the offtopicness)
Woops, I'm so stupid, Richief just gave a link to a tutorial of some kind, sorry.
Last Edit: 2009 January 08, 08:07:26 by SharonSims
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 179
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10
Reply #158 on:
2009 January 10, 04:39:37 »
Thanks Lord Darcy these are great. I am having one issue though, the season's raincoat is showing up funny,the neck and legs are showing as black and the hands are black and grey.
this might be an M&G issue as I do not remember this from before installing M&G
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10
Reply #159 on:
2009 January 10, 05:10:18 »
Seasons raincoat works fine for me in M&G. Which file did you download?
Are you sure you don't have duplicate files lurking somewhere in your Downloads folder? You're supposed to have only one file (Elena.package), and nothing else. It's now a recolor of Seasons mesh, no longer having its own standalone mesh.
MediaFire Shared Folder
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 179
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10
Reply #160 on:
2009 January 10, 16:32:59 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 January 10, 05:10:18
Seasons raincoat works fine for me in M&G. Which file did you download?
Are you sure you don't have duplicate files lurking somewhere in your Downloads folder? You're supposed to have only one file (Elena.package), and nothing else. It's now a recolor of Seasons mesh, no longer having its own standalone mesh.
yes I am a complete idiot..I had other elena packages in there, spent the night cleaning out my downloads and found a few (weird they didn't show as duplicates on clean installer) now I have subfolders within subfolders. Thank you for your help
Undead Member
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #161 on:
2011 February 06, 18:24:13 »
Okay, so this is an old thread and I guess everyone who wants these things already has them installed and working. Well, maybe not everyone.
With everything installed and patched through AL except for the holiday stuff pack, I can find almost everything. The camping lantern I cannot find, but I have a custom version with no rock that includes a version that hangs on the wall, so that's not a problem. An AF outfit caused my game to crash when going through the catalog using the clothing tool, but deleting the Shelby package seems to have fixed that. However—
The one item I want that is not appearing in the catalog is the H&M uniform shirt (even after deleting the CAS thumbnails). I had a custom version with its own mesh from MTS2, but with some pants the waistband pokes through the shirt when the sim moves, so I was hoping the pre-order version would not have that problem, but the shirt just does not appear in the catalog—it is for adult men, right? I have removed the MTS2 version, to no effect.
Is there another file in addition to ambody_uniformshirt.package that is required for this to show up? It's one of the few H&M things for men that isn't stupid.
On a slightly different topic: Just to be clear, the Maxis objects can go in \TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins, but the recolors of those objects go in Downloads?
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Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #162 on:
2011 February 07, 23:30:10 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2011 February 06, 18:24:13
On a slightly different topic: Just to be clear, the Maxis objects can go in \TSData\Res\Catalog\Bins, but the recolors of those objects go in Downloads?
I can answer this one, you can put the recolors in with the objects or in downloads. It depends on what you are going for. I put any maxis match recolors in bins with the other objects, and anything else that is non-essential for my game in with everything else so that I can delete it if it it turns out it's not to my fancy after all.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #163 on:
2011 February 16, 02:45:58 »
Quote from: Hegelian on 2011 February 06, 18:24:13
The one item I want that is not appearing in the catalog is the H&M uniform shirt (even after deleting the CAS thumbnails). I had a custom version with its own mesh from MTS2, but with some pants the waistband pokes through the shirt when the sim moves, so I was hoping the pre-order version would not have that problem, but the shirt just does not appear in the catalog—it is for adult men, right? I have removed the MTS2 version, to no effect.
Is there another file in addition to ambody_uniformshirt.package that is required for this to show up? It's one of the few H&M things for men that isn't stupid.
The H&M uniform shirt incentive is a full body outfit, not a separate. Sounds like you're looking for it in tops.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Lol crazy!
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #164 on:
2013 December 11, 13:56:21 »
I cannot find the IKEA standalone version, link is broken
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #165 on:
2014 January 21, 02:10:13 »
The link for the Holiday stuff is broken as well.
Grammar Police
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #166 on:
2014 January 21, 16:53:58 »
Gosh, it's almost like the thread is five years old, or something!
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10)
Reply #167 on:
2016 January 23, 01:35:28 »
We have to try, Jezzer. It's the only way to bring MATY back from the brink.
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Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10
Reply #168 on:
2020 January 04, 16:45:47 »
Quote from: mistyk on 2009 January 10, 16:32:59
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 January 10, 05:10:18
Seasons raincoat works fine for me in M&G. Which file did you download?
Are you sure you don't have duplicate files lurking somewhere in your Downloads folder? You're supposed to have only one file (Elena.package), and nothing else. It's now a recolor of Seasons mesh, no longer having its own standalone mesh.
yes I am a complete idiot..I had other elena packages in there, spent the night cleaning out my downloads and found a few (weird they didn't show as duplicates on clean installer) now I have subfolders within subfolders. Thank you for your help
Hello. Can you reupload the sims 2 stuff from officil sites, preorders, ea store and etc please?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 179
Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10
Reply #169 on:
2020 January 16, 18:03:28 »
Quote from: amorot on 2020 January 04, 16:45:47
Quote from: mistyk on 2009 January 10, 16:32:59
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 January 10, 05:10:18
Seasons raincoat works fine for me in M&G. Which file did you download?
Are you sure you don't have duplicate files lurking somewhere in your Downloads folder? You're supposed to have only one file (Elena.package), and nothing else. It's now a recolor of Seasons mesh, no longer having its own standalone mesh.
yes I am a complete idiot..I had other elena packages in there, spent the night cleaning out my downloads and found a few (weird they didn't show as duplicates on clean installer) now I have subfolders within subfolders. Thank you for your help
Hello. Can you reupload the sims 2 stuff from officil sites, preorders, ea store and etc please?
If it's not ok to link this here please delete it...
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Last Edit: 2020 January 16, 18:09:58 by mistyk
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