Hi everyone.
I extracted Hunter Career from Castaway Stories.
There are only some little changes.
Food and resources are replaced with money.
On level 10 sims will get only 587 per day (252 food +335 resources)
Work hours are for teens/elder every day 10:00-12:00, for adults 9:00-12:00
Sims will use cars to go to work

I have all EPs, so I don't know if it works with Basegame only. I updated CS obstacle curse for FT.
This is my first career ever. Please let me know if everything works.
You need to download
Kabuto's career clothes!
Download: http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=LI5ZQG7BMany Thanks to Psoin, Dollface and SuperFly for their tutorials!
Edit: fixed link