I updated Glamour Life Stuff preorders and Coke Exclusive items to FreeTime.
If you have AL, download updated AL version of GLS stuffeth from
this thread.
Television_Luxury.bundle: GLS preorder TV.
- All functions up to FreeTime are now enabled. Sims can watch movies and tinker TV. Pets can watch TV to gain fun.
- Following Argon's example, I grouped main file and separate MMAT file into one bundled package. (Why in the hell did EAxis split it up in the first place?)
- Elders can watch TV while lounging on sofas.

Repair/tinker animation of Luxury TV is a bit off, due to EAxis's short-sightness. You need this global mod to fix it.
Repair Animation Fix for 2-tiled Floor TVs - Sims hold the screwdriver correctlyPainting_GoldRecord, Painting_Luxury: Two GLS preorder paintings. Now recolorable. GoldRecord painting gives Music & Dance Enthusiasm in FT.
Fridge_Special: Finland Coke Exclusive fridge.
- All functions up to FreeTime are enabled. (Make/Make Many, Leftover/Stock, Serve Platter)
- Food unit was raised to
350 to match FT modern fridge. 400 to match K&B Stylish fridge. - Changed noisy cheap fridge sound to quieter one for expensive fridge.
- Annoying live mode tooltip was removed.
- Now recolorable.
Pinball_Machine - Special: Coke pinball machine (Seasons version - Thanks Numenor). Now recolorable.
Coca-Cola Tee: Custom star was removed from thumbnails.
Updated GLS TV may not work for pre-FT games.
Coke Fridge is only for Pets or later. Coke Pinball Machine is only for Seasons or later.
Redundant identical images like TV commercial screen or shadow were removed to reduce size. Compressed with jfade's compressorizer.
Coke Exclusive items were uploaded to
MediaFire due to file size limit.