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Author Topic: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter & Real End Table (Updated 2008/10/08)  (Read 121892 times)
Lord Darcy
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OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter & Real End Table (Updated 2008/10/08)
« on: 2008 March 10, 00:09:35 »

I love OMSPs (One More Slot Packages) set available at MTS2, it's a must-have for realistic cluttered look.

But JohnBrehaut1's Counter OMSP is cloned from coffee table, so you can't put small appliances like coffee makers and juicers on it. As for the end table, both OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1 have problems. Ariffrazalin's version reverts back to original color whenever you enter the lot. is based on the dining table, so Sims will put plates and college assignments on it, and it will spawn redundant servers on restaurant lot. JohnBrehaut1's version is cloned not from the actual end table, but from the coffee table, so animations for small electronics will be at incorrect height. (See the picture below.)

So I created two OMSPs for my own use.

LdDarcy_OMSP_Counter_Usable: Cloned from Numenor's counter template, this OMSP functions just like regular counters. You can put small appliances like juicers or microwaves which can be placed only on the counters. Sims can cook food and put plates on top of this OMSP. Food prep time and quality were adjusted to match expensive counters. Numenor's SEP (Slot Enable Package) was incorporated so that Sims can correctly use the objects placed on it when it's used at the corners.

LdDarcy_OMSP_EndTable: Cloned from Here and There Thing end table, this OMSP functions just like regular end tables. Animations for small electronics like phones and clocks will be at correct height. Sims will not put plates or college assignments on it, and it won't spawn redundant servers on restaurant lot. Footprint was removed so that it can be used without moveobjects cheat on.

Both OMSPs don't cast outdoor shadow even at the highest shadow setting. Footprint was removed from them, so that they won't interfere other objects or block passage.

A note for counter OMSP: Sims will complain if you push it too closer to the back trim of counters. Tiled floors will be handy when you place it over the counters.
You must apply invisible recolor for both recolorable parts (countertop and counterfinish) to make it completely invisible.

For the decorative objects that Sims cannot interact with, I suggest that you continue to use JohnBrehaut1's version based on the coffee table, especially near the corners.

I used JohnBrehaut1's mesh for both OMSPs. I sent a PM for permission about a month ago, but apparently he's taking a break or retired from Sims modding, and hasn't been active since January.

OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1 without footprint and outdoor shadow are posted in Reply #2.

AmberDiceless made a repository version to reduce file size.

2008-10-08: Updated End Table OMSP to add the missing tabletop sound. Also fixed the tabletop sound and OBJD version bit in a couple of OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1. (Attached in Reply #2.)

* (215.78 KB - downloaded 9291 times.)
* (17.1 KB - downloaded 6736 times.)
« Last Edit: 2009 May 10, 07:43:35 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Goopy Lover
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #1 on: 2008 March 10, 07:06:12 »

Wow-this is great! I used the original OMSP's but the shadows annoyed me and all I seemed to put on them were clutter and plants! Definitely trying these out. Grin


Lord Darcy
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OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1 (sans outdoor shadow and footprint)
« Reply #2 on: 2008 March 10, 12:11:31 »

Uh, the whole point of OMSP is putting on useless clutters and decorative stuff, isn't it? Cheesy

To remove annoying outdoor shadow from OMSP, go to Geometric Data Container and find out the name of OMSP mesh. Go to Geometric Node, select tsNoShadow from the blocklist, and select the item for OMSP mesh. Set the value from 0 to 1. Commit and save.

I removed outdoor shadow and footprint from the entire set of OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1. If you're interested, I'll post it on Mediafire.

Edit: Turned out the size of archive is small enough to attach here.

2008-10-08: Fixed the tabletop sound and OBJD version bit in a couple of OMSPs.

* OMSPs_Fixed_sans_OutdoorShadow_Footprint.rar (560.45 KB - downloaded 2822 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 October 08, 11:33:58 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Goopy Lover
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #3 on: 2008 March 10, 12:29:22 »

No-I meant nothing useful Cheesy This way I can put small appliances together with other stuff.

Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #4 on: 2008 March 10, 15:19:02 »

This is terrific. You can't have too many OMSPs! (Well I can't, anyway.)

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Goopy Lover
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #5 on: 2008 March 10, 15:38:12 »

Lord Darcy-I am starting to adore you Grin You fix everything!

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #6 on: 2008 March 10, 16:29:06 »

This is great! I used to put phones and things on them, but hated the animation. I only use them for deco stuff now, but at least I can go back to putting the phone in different locations again.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #7 on: 2008 March 10, 16:52:06 »

This is terrific. You can't have too many OMSPs! (Well I can't, anyway.)
I need OSMP's in every height imaginable. I have a lot of custom coffee tables, end tables, and dressers that aren't any of the Maxis heights, and finding the right OSMP is rough (sometimes impossible). I have all of them from MTS2, and then the rather crappy excuses Windkeeper made, that aren't recolorable and aren't invisible despite her advertising.

These are really appreciated.

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #8 on: 2008 March 10, 16:56:49 »

Thanks for making these they will come in handy.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #9 on: 2008 March 12, 19:16:09 »

So, since these new OMSPs are actually cloned from the end table, does that mean I can use them to put objects on end tables by beds without preventing my Sims from getting into or out of bed?

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Lord Darcy
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #10 on: 2008 March 13, 21:00:25 »

So, since these new OMSPs are actually cloned from the end table, does that mean I can use them to put objects on end tables by beds without preventing my Sims from getting into or out of bed?

Yes. In fact, I removed footprint from them entirely, so that they don't block passage or interfere with other objects. Sims will just walk right through them as if there is nothing. It makes more sense, as OMSPs are intended to be used together with other objects in the first place. Get the fixed OMSPs from the third post as well.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #11 on: 2008 March 16, 15:35:06 »

Thank you! It always bothered me that you couldn't clutter up your counters with workable stuff... So thanks again for fixing these! Cheesy
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Asinine Airhead

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #12 on: 2008 March 19, 17:16:08 »

Thanks, I love the size that you made them and I cant wait to go clutter counters as mine here at home.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #13 on: 2008 March 19, 21:39:51 »

Where are these placed in the catalog?

Asinine Airhead

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #14 on: 2008 March 19, 21:48:29 »

Where are these placed in the catalog?
They should show up under Tables > Misc, like all the other OMSPs.

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Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #15 on: 2008 September 12, 02:38:13 »

I think this might be borked in AL. I used the end table ones in a playable apartment lot but when I visited as a neighbor the end table was invisible/disappeared and the items I placed on the OMSP floating in the air. I guess the OMSP's were still there but the table was gone. I used a standard Maxi end table. Will try again and see what happens.
Lord Darcy
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #16 on: 2008 September 12, 12:08:50 »

I think AL b0rked OMSPs hopelessly for Apartments. The problem lies not in OMSPs per se, but in the strange way that neighbor's furniture is spawned when Sims are visiting their neighbors. If two objects are on top of each other with the help of moveobjects cheat, which is basically the whole point of OMSPs, the game randomly zaps one of them and allows only one object per tile. Furthermore, the game forces all objects which you carefully placed with snapobjectstogrid cheat to fit the grid during the session. Angry

This happens for all objects, not just for my OMSPs, as shown in the screenshot.

This issue was already raised in this thread. At that time I was not aware of this newfangled stupidity. I have a suspicion that this is hardcoded in the game design.
« Last Edit: 2008 September 12, 16:40:52 by Lord Darcy » Logged

Jake Lucas
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #17 on: 2008 September 13, 15:23:34 »

Lord Darcy thanks for these, I use Windkeepers Hidden Shelves but they still made sims unable to enter the bed for woohoo cos the shelves were in the way, now I can clutter till my sims hearts r content!  Thanks again! Smiley *worships*
Lord Darcy
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #18 on: 2008 September 14, 07:58:15 »

I use Windkeepers Hidden Shelves but they still made sims unable to enter the bed for woohoo cos the shelves were in the way,
The blockage is caused by the remaining original object footprint, which is used to prevent Sims from walking through the object. I removed footprints from my OMSPs and fixed MTS2 sets (attached in the third post) to remove the blockage, as well as removing unsightly outdoor shadows.

You can remove the object footprint yourself by editing CRES. Select the block named 'footprint' in CRES, and select the item in Items box. You can either use Edit button to change all hex to 00, or use Draw button to uncheck the boxes graphically. If there are multiple items in Items box, you have to repeat the same process to all items.

Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end table
« Reply #19 on: 2008 September 14, 20:28:37 »

I think AL b0rked OMSPs hopelessly for Apartments. The problem lies not in OMSPs per se, but in the strange way that neighbor's furniture is spawned when Sims are visiting their neighbors. If two objects are on top of each other with the help of moveobjects cheat, which is basically the whole point of OMSPs, the game randomly zaps one of them and allows only one object per tile. Furthermore, the game forces all objects which you carefully placed with snapobjectstogrid cheat to fit the grid during the session. Angry

This happens for all objects, not just for my OMSPs, as shown in the screenshot.

okay, thanks for checking on this.
Lord Darcy
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter & Real End Table (Updated 2008/10/08)
« Reply #20 on: 2008 October 08, 11:38:33 »

2008-10-08: Updated End Table OMSP to add the missing tabletop sound. Also fixed the tabletop sound and OBJD version bit in a couple of OMSPs by ariffrazalin and JohnBrehaut1. (Attached in the third post.)

Cheese Nazi
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #21 on: 2008 October 08, 17:13:52 »

I think AL b0rked OMSPs hopelessly for Apartments. The problem lies not in OMSPs per se, but in the strange way that neighbor's furniture is spawned when Sims are visiting their neighbors. If two objects are on top of each other with the help of moveobjects cheat, which is basically the whole point of OMSPs, the game randomly zaps one of them and allows only one object per tile. Furthermore, the game forces all objects which you carefully placed with snapobjectstogrid cheat to fit the grid during the session. Angry

This happens for all objects, not just for my OMSPs, as shown in the screenshot.

Just to clarify, this happens only in apartment lots, or in all lots?

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter & Real End Table (Updated 2008/10/08)
« Reply #22 on: 2008 October 09, 02:42:00 »

In my never-ending quest to reduce file clutter and size, I have taken all the OMSF's in this thread and turned them into a repository set with Lord Darcy's end table OMSF as the repository master file, and I thought I'd share.  In addition to eliminating the redundant recolors, this makes it really easy to recolor them all at once in case you'd like to use them as visible pillars (glass recolor included as an example.)  :)

* AD_AssortedOMSF_RepositorySet.rar (143.13 KB - downloaded 2956 times.)
« Last Edit: 2008 October 09, 04:17:25 by AmberDiceless » Logged

Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
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Lord Darcy
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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter and End Table cloned from the actual end ta
« Reply #23 on: 2008 October 09, 12:54:43 »

I think AL b0rked OMSPs hopelessly for Apartments. The problem lies not in OMSPs per se, but in the strange way that neighbor's furniture is spawned when Sims are visiting their neighbors. If two objects are on top of each other with the help of moveobjects cheat, which is basically the whole point of OMSPs, the game randomly zaps one of them and allows only one object per tile. Furthermore, the game forces all objects which you carefully placed with snapobjectstogrid cheat to fit the grid during the session. Angry

This happens for all objects, not just for my OMSPs, as shown in the screenshot.

Just to clarify, this happens only in apartment lots, or in all lots?

Only in apartment lots, and only in neighbour's apartment that your playable Sim is visiting. Playable's apartment is not affected.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: OMSPs for Usable Kitchen Counter & Real End Table (Updated 2008/10/08)
« Reply #24 on: 2009 March 03, 22:08:02 »

Sorry to post as there has been no activity in this thread for almost five months, but I thought it was the most appropriate place. And I also apologize in advance if my question has already been addressed elsewhere, but I could find nothing with the search function.

I was in seventh heaven when I found your counter OMSP, for I love the functionality of SEP but really hate that it doesn't apply to anything but Maxis-made counters. So I downloaded and went into my game to update some smaller kitchens with functional corners, but somehow I am unable to make it work...

Yes I have all the expansion packs and stuff packs through M&G, and yes I read and understand about the discrepancies that will appear when visiting neighboring apartments, but it sounds like the basic functionality should still work. Yet when I place the counter OMSP (with move objects on), any appliances I try to put on the combined counter/OMSP still line up along the cardinal directions (no angle option seems possible). This occurs even when I manually angle the OMSP under the counter.

Please let me know if there is something I am doing wrong, especially as more likely than not it's an obvious oversight on my part.

Thanks in advance!  Smiley

- Edit - One option I just thought of... Is it possible that I need to remove Num's SEP in order for the counter OMSP to work?

- Edit - Okay, I think I finally figured it out. I'm posting it here in case someone else runs into a similar difficulty. What I found that finally worked was to place the OMSP at an angle away from any counters, then put the appliance on top, which should also appear at the same angle. Finally, move the OMSP (with the appliance still on top) into the appropriate counter corner. The OMSP itself will align once again along the cardinal directions, but the appliance itself should still remain at an angle.

And I was right, it was pretty obvious!
« Last Edit: 2009 March 03, 22:51:25 by MASchlabach » Logged
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