Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
I had just reset my Strangetown, and when I went to play a house, it started erroring like crazy, but there was nothing to throw errors because it was still loading. My EPs ar Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons and FT. I have the FT DC and Triplets and Quads. I had just removed InSim, in case that helps anyone. I hit reset several times because I though it would be fixed before I got irritated and hit delete, upon doing which the game crashed. (My fail, let me show you it.) I also have an error log from playing the new FT hood last night, during which clicking anything gave an error, so I'll post that too. It gave me like, 90 error logs from those two days, so I'll post another for anyone who wants one more, in case some don't do anything.
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