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Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
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Topic: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm (Read 210788 times)
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #50 on:
2008 March 11, 18:39:58 »
is always a good thread to watch, since we announce new hack updates almost as fast as they're posted.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #51 on:
2008 March 11, 20:10:43 »
Yeah but you never say what they do or anything
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Lipless Loser
Posts: 612
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #52 on:
2008 March 11, 21:17:10 »
If I'm not sure what the mod is about, I just download it and check RTFM. If that doesn't answer my questions, then someone gets a p.m.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #53 on:
2008 March 11, 22:37:16 »
Quote from: Inge on 2008 March 11, 20:10:43
Yeah but you never say what they do or anything
What am I, your mother?
(Sorry - channeling an old snarky comeback there....)
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #54 on:
2008 March 12, 00:04:09 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2008 March 11, 18:39:58
is always a good thread to watch, since we announce new hack updates almost as fast as they're posted.
Thanks, I will bookmark that one!
Lipless Loser
Posts: 612
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #55 on:
2008 March 12, 02:42:24 »
Quote from: jsalemi on 2008 March 11, 22:37:16
Quote from: Inge on 2008 March 11, 20:10:43
Yeah but you never say what they do or anything
What am I, your mother?
(Sorry - channeling an old snarky comeback there....)
Not bad--for a guy.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #56 on:
2008 March 14, 16:14:52 »
Does this hack enable badging on comm lots too, or is that already in the game?
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #57 on:
2008 March 14, 16:22:41 »
Enables that also, yes.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #58 on:
2008 March 14, 17:13:17 »
Excellent thanks! Now I just need to find out why I can't put those telescopes in my Museum of Science and Industry...
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #59 on:
2008 March 14, 23:03:34 »
I've noticed that skill progress bar sometimes can appear and sometimes not for the same non-playable.Or maybe it's time for me to
visit oculist?
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #60 on:
2008 March 15, 08:32:46 »
Quote from: Alexx on 2008 March 14, 23:03:34
I've noticed that skill progress bar sometimes can appear and sometimes not for the same non-playable.Or maybe it's time for me to
visit oculist?
I've noticed the same. Also, sometimes visitors show the bars on my home lots (while playing chess), sometimes they don't. I've never cared much about that, but it would be interesting to know if they still gain skill points anyway.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #61 on:
2008 March 16, 19:35:25 »
This is annoying,but not too much and seems Mr.Pescado will not be waste precious time to investigate this.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #62 on:
2008 March 17, 09:06:51 »
I don't find it even annoying, as I only care that sims gain points when I play them. I just noticed.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #63 on:
2008 March 17, 09:54:43 »
This happens because certain classes of visitor are permitted to skill while others are not: Nonplayables will skill anywhere (since you can never play them), playables will only skill when they are the active family (but they will now do so even on community lots).
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #64 on:
2008 March 17, 10:40:08 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 17, 09:54:43
Nonplayables will skill anywhere (since you can never play them),
Actually that's not entirely true. I had a sim marry one of the social workers. Might it be a better idea to treat all the currently non-selectable sims the same way? Personally I am happy to have them all skilling without discrimination (they would in real life after all), but I can understand why others would prefer only the currently in-play sims to be affected. How about two flavours?
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #65 on:
2008 March 17, 11:35:09 »
Quote from: Inge on 2008 March 17, 10:40:08
Actually that's not entirely true. I had a sim marry one of the social workers.
That is, A: A Bad Idea, since the SS is not intended to be socializable, and B: Not relevant: Nonplayable sims do not become played until you convert them into playable sims.
Quote from: Inge on 2008 March 17, 10:40:08
Might it be a better idea to treat all the currently non-selectable sims the same way? Personally I am happy to have them all skilling without discrimination (they would in real life after all), but I can understand why others would prefer only the currently in-play sims to be affected. How about two flavours?
I only maintain one flavor of anything: The flavor *I* use. Anything else results in exponential overhead growth. The reason I have only the currently-in-play playables affected for playables is that skilling the wrong skills will totally destroy your want tree tuning.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #66 on:
2008 March 17, 11:53:38 »
Oh right, well, I don't do want tree tuning and stuff like that, I quite like to be surprised by what my sims have been up to when they decide to turn up on a comm lot of their own accord. Ok, so be it
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #67 on:
2008 March 17, 12:10:50 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 17, 11:35:09
The reason I have only the currently-in-play playables affected for playables is that skilling the wrong skills will totally destroy your want tree tuning.
This hack is more awesome than I thought, then - I don't care if my playables ruin their marriages while not controlled, but I would definitively hate seing a carefully locked "max skill x" want fulfilled before *I* decide to fulfill it.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #68 on:
2008 March 17, 13:17:41 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2008 March 17, 12:10:50
but I would definitively hate seing a carefully locked "max skill x" want fulfilled before *I* decide to fulfill it.
Damn, i forgot all about those Wants i have locked, i was wishing for this hack to allow my playables who aren't being played, to skill while visiting other Residential lots. But you went and reminded me about a personal pet peeve. Those 'Make Friends with X' that i hoard, and then have fulfilled when i'm not looking.
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
Myers-Briggs: - ISFP Awesome NS2 - DOOOO EEEET!
[23:56] Pescado: ATTACK, MY DUCKY MINIONS!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #69 on:
2008 March 17, 13:28:13 »
Quote from: sloppyhousewife on 2008 March 17, 12:10:50
This hack is more awesome than I thought, then - I don't care if my playables ruin their marriages while not controlled, but I would definitively hate seing a carefully locked "max skill x" want fulfilled before *I* decide to fulfill it.
Quote from: GayJohnScarritt on 2008 March 17, 13:17:41
Damn, i forgot all about those Wants i have locked, i was wishing for this hack to allow my playables who aren't being played, to skill while visiting other Residential lots. But you went and reminded me about a personal pet peeve. Those 'Make Friends with X' that i hoard, and then have fulfilled when i'm not looking.
Those are minor problems compared to the bigger issue: A sim that decides to forget his level 9 cooking skill and fixate on his randomly gained logic point instead, permanently ripping you off from being able to get the Maximize Cooking.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #70 on:
2008 March 17, 22:32:14 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 March 17, 13:28:13
Those are minor problems compared to the bigger issue: A sim that decides to forget his level 9 cooking skill and fixate on his randomly gained logic point instead, permanently ripping you off from being able to get the Maximize Cooking.
Oh, having their carefully crafted wants panel all scrambled up once i get back to their lot is something i've gotten used to. Unless you've got an undiscovered shiney that freezes those wants, until you return to playing them?
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
Myers-Briggs: - ISFP Awesome NS2 - DOOOO EEEET!
[23:56] Pescado: ATTACK, MY DUCKY MINIONS!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #71 on:
2008 March 20, 23:39:19 »
I got a problem
when I clicked on macro/Hobbinate for my sim to birdwatch I got lots of those Insimenator machines popping up all over the place. I used the hack conflict and it said I didn't have any.... so do they clash because the Insimenator is not updated for FT
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #72 on:
2008 March 21, 00:48:39 »
If Insim isn't updated for FT you
Should Not Be Using It
*points and laughs*
Remember the microwave dog piss?
INFP or something
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #73 on:
2008 March 21, 12:15:37 »
I know....I know
but I haven't really had an issues with it til now
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm
Reply #74 on:
2008 March 21, 12:50:23 »
The point is, you wouldn't have *known* if you were having issues with it, as the damage is being silently done in your data files. All your sims could be completely wrecked before you find out anything was going wrong.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
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