Actually, I never saw the gypsy at all until I got rid of that older version of the VC. Now that it's gone, I saw the gypsy that one time, but she disappeared before she could deliver the lamp. I may go look for the latest version as you suggest anyway, since I liked using it in Uni to keep away cow mascots, professors, streakers, and other useless personages. Of course I'll have to be sure to
Allow Gypsy, if I do install it! The problem is, as previously stated, the appearance of the gypsy is so rare that it will be a while before I even get an opportunity to see her again. I'll let you guys know once I know anything more. Isn't hunting down conflicts fun?

(I wonder if that's it -- could the older VC have made any permanent changes in the code? Because the default was "Ban Gypsy" if I recall correctly. It may take the new VC to change it back if so.)
On a totally different subject, just yesterday I experienced my first gnome-stealing, only to have the family's teen boy leave autonomously in the middle of the night to Steal Back the gnome. He would have made the entire trip in his PJs if Inge's clothes-changing door had let him. He succeeded in stealing it back, though I suppose there was a certain percentage chance that he'd have been brought home in the police car! I can't get over how many things I still see that are completely new to me, even from the base game (as I suppose this was), even with all the hundreds of hours I've played it.
And now back to our currently scheduled expansion pack.