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Author Topic: Free Time Facts And Learnings  (Read 108934 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #25 on: 2008 March 07, 04:51:39 »

Pre-FT adults really get screwed. I have a child who has full Lifetime Aspiration + perma plat. I like now that there's an alternative to doing the lifetime want if you want perma plat (legitimately).

I believe the matchmaker gives you the genie lamp after one of your sims have had a full lifetime aspiration meter for a while. You get 3 wishes per lamp, anyone in the house can make a wish. After that lamp is gone, you can get receive another one for the accomplishments of one of your other sims (thats how I understand from my experience at least.)
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #26 on: 2008 March 07, 04:54:30 »

I believe the matchmaker gives you the genie lamp after one of your sims have had a full lifetime aspiration meter for a while.

Not true in my game.  Several of my sims have received a lamp, and none of these sims have had a full LTA meter.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #27 on: 2008 March 07, 05:03:01 »

Ugh.  Does that mean you have to un-ban the gypsy if you have her banned with the visitor controller?

Excelsior, you fathead!
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #28 on: 2008 March 07, 05:05:27 »

I had an infant receive a lamp last night - it was her very first memory.

Ugh.  Does that mean you have to un-ban the gypsy if you have her banned with the visitor controller?

She was banned from my lot and was still able to drop off the lamp.

Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #29 on: 2008 March 07, 06:43:45 »

Definitely seems like maxing out the LTA bar or getting permanent peace from a lamp is much easier than the (already too easy) LTW.  Especially if you can get the lamp as a toddler.

The rumours I heard before FT was released had me hoping that getting perma plat would be harder.  Instead it's now ridiculously easy.

It really seems like this EP panders to the BBSers.  Those who had trouble getting twins (even after OFB guaranteed them), who thought LTWs were hard, and who wanted alien babies but didn't know how to download a hack to make abductions easier.  No wonder the promo videos talked about fans - the fans on the BBS are who this EP is aimed at, it is definitely not aimed at the gamers who enjoy the game.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #30 on: 2008 March 07, 10:40:41 »

Pre-FT adults really get screwed. I have a child who has full Lifetime Aspiration + perma plat. I like now that there's an alternative to doing the lifetime want if you want perma plat (legitimately).
How is this possible? A child only has 8 days to live. In order to get full LTA, even at 100 LTA per hour (the actual value is probably much lower), you would only earn 19200 LTA over the child stage, and it requires some 30K to fill, and that assumes constant platinum all the time AND that the rate is that high. The exact rate is probably lower. To get full LTA, you'd have to have cheated already.

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Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #31 on: 2008 March 07, 17:31:49 »

Pre-FT adults really get screwed. I have a child who has full Lifetime Aspiration + perma plat. I like now that there's an alternative to doing the lifetime want if you want perma plat (legitimately).
How is this possible? A child only has 8 days to live. In order to get full LTA, even at 100 LTA per hour (the actual value is probably much lower), you would only earn 19200 LTA over the child stage, and it requires some 30K to fill, and that assumes constant platinum all the time AND that the rate is that high. The exact rate is probably lower. To get full LTA, you'd have to have cheated already.

Does that include toddler events like maxing skills, being potty trained, et cetera?

INFP or something
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #32 on: 2008 March 07, 18:14:46 »

Does that include toddler events like maxing skills, being potty trained, et cetera?
The point yield on those is not on the same order of magnitude and can be ignored as negligible for this estimate.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #33 on: 2008 March 07, 18:40:17 »

Does that include toddler events like maxing skills, being potty trained, et cetera?
The point yield on those is not on the same order of magnitude and can be ignored as negligible for this estimate.

oh, right, they give you those trade-in-able points. My bad.

INFP or something
Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #34 on: 2008 March 08, 07:50:43 »

I also had the toddler get the lamp -- largish screenshot in the 'Lifetime Membership Indeed!' thread -- and was able to get the toddler's older brother, a child, to wish for peace of mind. Though I know that's not perma-plat in the lifetime bar, I've only had that for one adult sim so far. (Haven't really played that much recently)

Seemed a bit odd to even get that far with the lamp, but I suspect that's just EAxis at work. It wasn't throwing any errors at me, at least.

Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #35 on: 2008 March 08, 10:27:17 »

Does that include toddler events like maxing skills, being potty trained, et cetera?
The point yield on those is not on the same order of magnitude and can be ignored as negligible for this estimate.

oh, right, they give you those trade-in-able points. My bad.

They don't get the benefit/LTA points independent of the lifetime meter score. Based on the information from the Prima Guide which Tigerlilley gave (which has some errors, but the hourly rates seem to be correct), a toddler on constant platinum could get a maximum of approx. 7700 points from it. As a baby (no best friend required) they get an initial bonus of 1800 points. So it works like that:

1800 points as a baby + 600 from the first skill learned = 2400. For a lifetime meter score of more than 2000 they get 2 benefit points.
Learning the other two skills will add 1200 points to that score, which means that it brings it up to 3600 points if they don't gain anything for their mood and means they don't get another LTA point because they need a lifetime meter score of 4000 for that. One child in my game which grew into a toddler last night and was trained on all skills and on constant platinum after learning the first skill, has reached a score of 5000 on its first day in that lifestage (ca. 20 hours) and has 3 points.
Toddlers close to grow up and with all skills when Freetime is installed are actually getting the worst deal because they don't start with any points, not even the bonus for birth. Generally the period from birth to reaching school age seems to give you a massive lifetime meter increase.
Children on constant platinum could add another 6700 points, so its not enough to completely fill the lifetime meter. As teenagers they could get 8700 points maximum, adults 13400.

From 6000 points, which give you 4 LTA points every increase of 3000 adds one LTA point, so you get 5 for a score of over 9000. If the sim has a miserable life and has always been on the edge of aspiration failure not even the first woohoo can save him since it doesn't bring him up to the necessary 12000 points.
The hourly addition of points apparently carries on during holidays and on community lots, which could make leaving the house a big lifetime meter booster, especially if a sim heads from one dream date to the next.

What I haven't completely worked out are the milestones. Learning the nursery rhyme definitely does not give extra points, but you don't seem to get anything for the best friend either (which usually happens when they are babies and they all have the same initial 1800 points), so I tend to believe that the information from the Prima Guide is correct there and you get the points for the first love.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #36 on: 2008 March 09, 22:44:07 »

Lamp theory: (Note, I have nothing to back this up)

Could the lamp be gained because of the points of the family as a whole? Possibly delivered to the youngest member, as it may not be possible to get another until the first sim that got it is no longer around?

Or is it simply random, as I first thought?

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #37 on: 2008 March 09, 23:09:25 »

Lamp theory: (Note, I have nothing to back this up)

Could the lamp be gained because of the points of the family as a whole? Possibly delivered to the youngest member, as it may not be possible to get another until the first sim that got it is no longer around?

Or is it simply random, as I first thought?

No, I don't think it's based on family points.  Chester Gieke just got one on his second day played.  He is still a "shoddy schlub" on the LTA meter and lives alone.

Simply Sadorandom is my guess.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #38 on: 2008 March 10, 01:47:43 »

What I haven't completely worked out are the milestones. Learning the nursery rhyme definitely does not give extra points, but you don't seem to get anything for the best friend either (which usually happens when they are babies and they all have the same initial 1800 points), so I tend to believe that the information from the Prima Guide is correct there and you get the points for the first love.
The Nursery Rhyme most certainly is NOT a listed landmark and has no known trigger. Uncertain about the best-friend part. I will re-read that section sometime.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #39 on: 2008 March 20, 01:08:17 »

I spawned the lamp from the mailbox in debug mode a while back, out of a combination of curiosity and storytelling requirements. I'm fairly sure I used an adult to do it - most likely the Sim I wanted to use it - yet the youngest Sim in the household, a toddler at the time, got the memory. Faizah may be onto something.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #40 on: 2008 March 20, 04:49:20 »

Has anyone actually managed to get a Perma-Plat sim since FreeTime?
Yes ,I have a pre-free time sim that was at Sim State University  when I installed free time she is a popularity sim who lives with her sister and brother in law both pre free time born in game sims .Since the three returned from uni and set up a house hold Lexie has acheived Perma Plat and  3 LTW's,Aden has achieved LTW and Perma-Plat ,Tiffany  was the last  to acheive Perma-Plat and her LTW .To be fair however Tiffany had her LTW put on hold to accomodate her marriage to Aden and the pregnancy and birth of twin boys. getting a sim to go perma plat depends on the LTW and whether the sim has been to Uni  or not .Career LTW's are easiest to acheive .

I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring  after awhile.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #41 on: 2008 March 20, 06:34:15 »

I spawned the lamp from the mailbox in debug mode a while back, out of a combination of curiosity and storytelling requirements. I'm fairly sure I used an adult to do it - most likely the Sim I wanted to use it - yet the youngest Sim in the household, a toddler at the time, got the memory. Faizah may be onto something.

Funny you should say that. It may be coincidence, sadorandom, etc, but, once the toddler grew up a couple of times, I packed him off to uni and played a couple of semesters. As soon as I returned to the home lot, the family got another lamp, and youngest sim on the lot got the lamp memory. Further supporting the 'youngest sim gets it, rendering the family not eligible until they leave' hypothesis. I find myself wondering, now, if 'death' counts as leaving...

On an unrelated topic, it seems that hitting the top of the teen career counts as 'Max Career' in terms of lifetime aspiration. (Which I presume was done this way for the pre-FT elders?)

J. M. Pescado
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #42 on: 2008 March 20, 06:35:02 »

Easiest LTWs to achieve is the "Earn 100K" LTW. It can be done in a matter of seconds with no effort whatsoever, and all you need is a bit of seed cash (does not need to be 100K, but the more you have, the faster). Without blatant exploitation, the next one would probably be "Max All Skills" followed by "20 Best Friends", both of which can easily be done as teens. 50 First Dates works if you just do the date-and-run, otherwise it's just plain crazy. 50 Dream Dates is somewhere on the score of tedium next to "200 Grilled Cheese", but at least that one was never meant to be serious.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #43 on: 2008 March 23, 12:19:44 »

i was wondering how my sim became permaplat and max her aspiration benefit...i thought it is only filled by the milestone! my fave sim is a teen and she's too young to become a permaplat...she doesn't even fulfill her LTW *sobs* i like keeping her bar to platinum, and didn't notice that she keeps gaining the aspiration benefits...there is no way to remove the benefit point, isn't it? Sad
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #44 on: 2008 March 23, 12:40:19 »

I spawned the lamp from the mailbox in debug mode a while back, out of a combination of curiosity and storytelling requirements. I'm fairly sure I used an adult to do it - most likely the Sim I wanted to use it - yet the youngest Sim in the household, a toddler at the time, got the memory. Faizah may be onto something.
It is likely that the lucky recipient of the memory will simply be the sim with the lowest object instance on the lot, similar to "The One". This will largely appear sadorandom on old lots, given that the object ID is not displayed as a visible characteristic.

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Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #45 on: 2008 March 27, 08:54:16 »

Okay, with FT, if a sim achieves his LTW, will they become permaplat, or do they need to max out their lifetime aspiration as well (or are they mutally exclusive so a sim can become permaplat as LTA, and ignore LTW)

Let's fix that
Are the ways of getting permaplat able to be done by:
Wishing on the genie
Getting your LTW
Filling the LTA bar

What happens if you do the rest after getting permaplat anyways
The Genius
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #46 on: 2008 March 27, 10:40:46 »

"Wish for peace" and fulfilling a lifetime want BOTH make you permaplat.  Maxing your Long-term asp bar, I don't know about.  But now there are TWO ways to permaplat your sims.
Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #47 on: 2008 March 27, 15:45:15 »

Maxing the LTA bar grants perma-plat status as well.

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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #48 on: 2008 March 27, 17:03:10 »

"Wish for peace" and fulfilling a lifetime want BOTH make you permaplat.  Maxing your Long-term asp bar, I don't know about.  But now there are TWO ways to permaplat your sims.

I'm pretty sure that the option to wish for peace was not available when my elder sim got his lamp from the genie.  Mind you, he was permaplat already, so perhaps it is only available to non-permaplat sims.

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Lipless Loser
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Re: Free Time Facts And Learnings
« Reply #49 on: 2008 March 28, 14:21:22 »

I have only had 'Wish for Peace of Mind' show for sims that aren't yet perma-plat, seems to be as designed. (They don't really need it if they've already got it)

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