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"Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
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Topic: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package (Read 13984 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
"Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
2008 February 20, 16:47:13 »
I'm getting an odd error I've not seen before that's somehow being caused by the warmthfixes.package. I know the mod itself can't be to blame, as it hasn't been updated in a couple of months and nobody else is complaining of similar problems, but I've removed every other file from my Downloads folder except for warmthfixes.package and the problem is still occurring, and it goes away the moment I remove that file.
Clearly I've done something completely Non-Awesome that has broken my game's ability to play nicely with warmthfixes, I'm simply not sure what it would be.
I've got all the expansions and stuff packs installed. The one major change I made was use SaraMK's method of merging the neighborhoods together, using Riverblossom as the main hood and adding the other three as Shopping Districts. Not sure if that will have any bearing on this issue, but may as well mention it up front.
I've attached the error log. Can anyone have a look and offer any suggestions as to what might be the problem?
Last Edit: 2008 February 20, 17:53:52 by J. M. Pescado
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #1 on:
2008 February 20, 17:02:43 »
Error: You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it.
Something is breaking warmthfixes. Is possible to be another hack, maybe outdated but it can be other thing. It can be an inventory iten, it can be a sim (I had some sims causing errors due familytree problems).
Recently I was getting an "Attribute Number out of range" error from NL default lights and it was another object that was causing that, a pair of shelves from an old site, outdated object, probably not Ep-ready. I had no GUID conflicts detectable by SIMPE, I had to find the problem manually. What I did was the half-half method, testing all my downloads till I found the culprit. It didnīt took too long, couple hours.
My suggestions are:
- test in another hood with debug mode and check if you have the same error to see if is not a sim who is borken warmthfixes
- test with only awesomes hacks
- test your downloads folder without hacks to see if you get the same error in both hoods, your regular one and a test hood
DaniCast SimMaker
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #2 on:
2008 February 20, 17:19:34 »
S/he/it did say they took everything out of the downloads and it was still borken. You might check your saved sims folder or your teleport folder for something sneaking in. Use clean installer to scan.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #3 on:
2008 February 20, 17:51:00 »
Something seems to be VERY wrong with your game install, because your error log is full of unreadable gibberish boxes and is mostly unintelligible. Error logs should never be full of funny boxes where there should be numerical data fields, so something is already very wrong with your game. You should reinstall it completely and see if the error continues.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #4 on:
2008 February 20, 18:01:57 »
Gibberish boxes? I don't see anything like that when I look at the log.
Maybe something went wrong when I attached it?
It SHOULD have looked like this (obviously I'm not posting it all..)
Object id: 223
name: Controller - Temperature Receptivity
Stack size: 4
Error: You sent me a crappy GUID, please fix it.
Iterations: 30
Frame 3:
Stack Object id: 49
Stack Object name: G001_User00459 - Don
Node: 7
Tree: id 4133 name 'Get In Temp 0 - Stack Objects Warmth Delta 2' version -32749
from Controller_TemperatureReceptivity
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals: -20 0
Frame 2:
Stack Object id: 49
Stack Object name: G001_User00459 - Don
Node: 1
Tree: id 4116 name 'Process - Update Warmth' version -32751
from Controller_TemperatureReceptivity
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals: 0 0 0 0
Frame 1:
Stack Object id: 49
Stack Object name: G001_User00459 - Don
Node: 0
Tree: id 4100 name 'Process' version -32736
from Controller_TemperatureReceptivity
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals: 0 0 0
Frame 0:
Stack Object id: 49
Stack Object name: G001_User00459 - Don
Node: 20
Tree: id 4097 name 'Function - Main' version -32749
from Controller_TemperatureReceptivity
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals: 4 0
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #5 on:
2008 February 20, 18:12:40 »
Well, try again, then. I saw every line mangled with a pile of funny square boxes. What was the sim wearing at the time this happened?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #6 on:
2008 February 20, 18:19:32 »
Attempt #2 to upload the log.
The Sim was Don Lothario, in his default outfit. It was on the Goth lot, and the errors began the moment the lot finished loading.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Malodorous Moron
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #7 on:
2008 February 21, 06:02:51 »
I have that exact error, and it is only when sims enter the hot spring on an owned vacation lot that I know of. Also, it is only since I added the CS stuff. Could be a conflicting hack, though I have no idea what it might be.
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #8 on:
2008 February 21, 07:51:05 »
Those little square boxes are usually caused by using MS Word. Maybe the OP saved as a doc first? I've put Word contents into a text file and seen boxes like that.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #9 on:
2008 February 21, 08:08:14 »
Well its not my actual game installation. I took out my merged neighborhood and let the game regenerate the default ones, and the error is gone. Therefore either the hack is incompatible with merged hoods, or I screwed up something in the process of merging them.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 95
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Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #10 on:
2008 February 23, 11:42:30 »
I will put a bet in corrupted sims chars files.
DaniCast SimMaker
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #11 on:
2008 February 23, 23:18:06 »
Full uninstall/reinstall of the game and all expansion/stuff packs and I get the same result. Frankly I'm at a loss. I've done the neighborhood merge many times in the past with no such problems. I even tried it without Bon Voyage installed, since the last time I had played with a merged hood was back when Seasons was first released.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 95
Everything is blue in this world.
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #12 on:
2008 February 24, 08:52:03 »
So, the hood is the problem. Something is corrupted at the hood.
Am I missing something here?
DaniCast SimMaker
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #13 on:
2008 February 24, 10:14:46 »
Well the neighborhood hadn't even been played yet, so aside from the merging process itself I don't see what could have corrupted it. Besides that, I've already removed the game entirely, including the neighborhoods, and reinstalled it from scratch.
It always worked perfectly for me every other time I set up a merged hood to play in. No idea what's different now. I tried installing the game without the Bon Voyage EP, since it wasn't out yet the last time I did this, but that didn't help. Now I'm grasping at straws and wondering if I should try an older version of Sim PE.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #14 on:
2008 February 24, 10:43:33 »
It looks like there's junk data in the sim's uniform data. Try having the sim that's having the problems change clothes and then back.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #15 on:
2008 February 24, 10:58:32 »
Unfortunately its not limited to any particular sim(s). As soon as I add one of the standard neighborhoods as a suburb, this begins happening to all sims on any lot I load. That being the case, I think it is probable that the same would occur for townies and NPCs.
I'll definitely try your suggestion though, if only to hopefully satisfy my curiosity as to the cause of the errors.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #16 on:
2008 February 24, 15:08:39 »
Making each sim on the lot change their clothes eliminates the issue on that lot. Thankfully it seems that it only afflicts those present when the lot is first played, so it doesn't affect any new visitors, walk bys, service NPCs, etc.
Still no idea why this even happens now when it never did before, but at least there appears to be a simple workaround for it.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 185
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #17 on:
2008 April 05, 03:08:11 »
Found the problem, question is how to fix it? In warmthfixes package, Node 7 for the BHAV Get in Temp 0 - Stack Objects Warmth Delta 2, states" Run Tree by Name ("Carry Bag - Start"). This node 7 needs to be changed badly, why is it in here? Carry a bag for what?
It is told to run this "tree by name" but no GUID has been stated or implied therefore "Crappy GUID" error. Needs a GUID to be able to "Run tree by name".
I'll just try deleting this node. Makes no logical sense why that is in there.
Last Edit: 2008 April 05, 03:43:22 by pcgeekri
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: "Crappy GUID" error from warmthfixes.package
Reply #18 on:
2008 April 06, 12:01:55 »
It's a hook for an Unreleased Shiny, and "Carry Bag" is actually an incorrect interpretation by SimPE. The problem is that for reasons unknown, some sims have corrupted outfit data that points to trash that isn't a proper GUID. It seems to be a form of file corruption that is prevalent in some older game hoods. Deleting the node will not harm your game, but WILL simply hide existing data corruption in your neighborhood files.
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