I was using the no20khandouts hack, and before I fully understood the consequences, I moved Jody Larson out of the house she shared with her brother. Now she and her dog are stuck in the families bin with only 436 simoleons. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to give her more simoleons or otherwise make her playable again.
Thanks for all and any help!
Just so everyone knows what I'm talking about, here's the description of the hack:
no20Khandouts.zip - Officially Nightlife Compatible
Eliminates the magic 20K handout when a sim moves out or graduates from college.
A sim moving out will simply take a proportional split of the cash reserves of
the current family. No more. No such thing as a free lunch. If a sim family breaks
up, the sim being booted out will take the minimum amount to afford a lot, 3K,
from the treasury if available. Otherwise, he gets whatever is left. If that's
not enough to afford even the odd 2x2 lot... too bad! Life's a bitch and then
you're raped by wild boars!