Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Fugly! Burn them!
I wanna vomit right now
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice. *Ella whine* <Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Which it will do, it only last a few months and then you have to do it again.
Corset piercings are more of a one night than a one month deal. It's usually done at some sort of gathering of (selfproclaimed) freaks, or for special occations. Some keep them for a week or two, but they really can't last, and (hopefully) everyone who get them done know that. As for the pain, I think that's part of the point. I browsed through the whole of http://modblog.bmezine.com/ a few days ago, so now I know more about piercings than I ever wanted to. Here's the corset-piercing category: http://modblog.bmezine.com/category/ritual/corset-piercing/
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
The genensims are at least well done. They're not overtly crappy like most of those others. I seriously don't get the point of painting piercings onto the skins. They never look realistic, no matter how good you are with photoshop.
Khan of Wyrms
I must confess to having that last one, but I agree that it is not very thoughtfully colored. The green version of that same skin is quite good, though, as those things go.
If there is one thing we learn from history it is that no one learns anything from history.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Does anyone actually want these freaky looking sims in their games? They are totally disgusting! I've found one. Real Red attractive Skintone!We seriously need a puking emoticon. This one will do for now -->
That looks like a bad attempt at ripping off daedra to me.
By popular demand, Tongue Deer:
Corset piercings are more of a one night than a one month deal. It's usually done at some sort of gathering of (selfproclaimed) freaks, or for special occations. Some keep them for a week or two, but they really can't last, and (hopefully) everyone who get them done know that. As for the pain, I think that's part of the point.
A friend of mine wanted to get it done because she liked the look of it, the reason she didn't is because of the pain and if she wanted to keep them, she'd have to do it again. Some have lasted up to a month, not sure how they made that happen however and I didn't ask. When you get a piercing done it is actually recommended that you do not take it out immediately, it's harder to fight infection and help healing when the skin has just closed over it.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine.. http://www.mediafire.com/?ng20de0zmly
I'm pretty sure that green alien on SimSlice was stolen from MTS2. And I am kind of wondering about those inside-out skins, too.
ETA: Never mind, it looks like they have his permission, or something. At any rate, the creator is Bink13y on MTS2, if you'd rather get his stuff free.
« Last Edit: 2008 February 05, 18:18:40 by Ellatrue »
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1397
brainless piece of sack of fruitcakes
Sim Goodbody!
With my frock coat and cane I look rather dashing / And my dapper burnsides make me truly look smashing / I keep an eye peeled to see urchins for thrashing / Then I say to them "Good day, sir!" as an epic tongue-lashing. - notovny
Those are interesting skins, but why the hell would anyone want to have a sim look like that?!
By popular demand, Tongue Deer:
J. M. Pescado
Those are interesting skins, but why the hell would anyone want to have a sim look like that?! That was just the look I was looking for when I wanted to make a flayed Hecubus.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Those are interesting skins, but why the hell would anyone want to have a sim look like that?! That was just the look I was looking for when I wanted to make a flayed Hecubus. OK, you're the exception that proves the rule.
By popular demand, Tongue Deer:
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
These all come to you courtesy of TSR (all pay): First, I feel you need to see ALL of what this creator has to offer ( http://www.thesimsresource.com/profiles/1532101/). It's a feast of awful. These are my favorites: "White Terror" They named it that, not me. Though I don't disagree. "Swatches" Which is apt considering I can see where the head and body are pieced together, a la a scrap quilt. "Radioactive Marble" (not to be confused wth "Spring Green Marble", not pictured). Again, the head/body line of demarkation is more aweful than other skins. And one more (from creator herure simmy--also from TSR and pay--no link, too lazy but it's on the first page when you go to skins). I have seen some nicely done furry/animal skins. This is not one of them. (what's with that face?) I have a feeling this kitty will never find a home and end up euthanised (and no one will mourn).
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 228
While I agree that oracledelphi4's creations are a crime against skins, they are all free, and so's the kitty skin. In fact, it appears that only the better skins are pay on TSR.
Tests say I'm INFP. I feel that ISFP describes what I act like more accurately than INFP, though. But both descriptions are pretty covering, so take your pick, or combine them.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
While I agree that oracledelphi4's creations are a crime against skins, they are all free, and so's the kitty skin. In fact, it appears that only the better skins are pay on TSR.
Oops. I sit corrected. I wasn't paying close enough attention.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
AHHH, more head/body no match!!
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
That looks like a bad attempt at ripping off daedra to me.
It's a glow-in-the-dark Dremora!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
I went searching for a few "realistic" skin tones. 1. Gold Skin Tone: http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/cmid_1115170/sims2/body/skintones/Description states: "This looks good with asian clothes and red and black makeup" No comment. It's a free gem at The Shit Resource 2. Golden tan http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/cmid_813510/sims2/body/skintones/Description states: "For that pefect orange sunbed glow!!" etc. Orange most definitely. Moar like these Sims caked on tons of the sunless tanning lotion. Another free gem at The Shit Resource. 3. Strangulation skin http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=254323&c=1&ht=1Description states: "Good evening, need a sim whose been hanged or strangled. Well here's the skin for your sick needs." etc. With a mug like that, I can understand why fish lips was strangled. I particular like the feedback: "Those who work as paramedics or police officers will tell you that those who die of strangulation have eggplant-purple faces, swollen almost beyond recognition." MTS2 hosts this one. This post is sponsored by: ctrl-c and ctrl-v.
I haz a kitteh!
I think we have a winner.
Reminds me of this picture: That fashionable Oompa Loompa look...
Little Bitch
Feckless Fool
Posts: 251
Wow. That's pretty disturbing. I'm still reeling over the meatskin, actually, but these are all pretty shit.
So, who else's judging? Besides TheMagicBullet, I mean. Anyway, how can TheMagicBullet judge when he/she entered an item themselves?
But even so, those poor buggers. I salute you for attempting to judge these horridities. Rainbow and meat ewwness.
« Last Edit: 2008 February 11, 20:20:27 by Sapphire Scratches »