Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I only see the cover art, no link to more. I wouldn't mind some matching kitchen and bathroom stuff. What's the bet they still don't make matching sets of anything?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 734
INTP: pensive analytical skeptic.
I only see the cover art, no link to more. I wouldn't mind some matching kitchen and bathroom stuff. What's the bet they still don't make matching sets of anything?
There's also a lot of text (I copypasted so errors are EAxis' fault, not mine): The Sims™ 2 Kitchen & Bath Interior Design Stuff
Must-Have Stuff to Redesign Your Sims’ Kitchens and Bathrooms!
Redesign your Sims’ essential living areas into the most luxurious of spaces. Transform the bathroom with charming claw-foot bathtubs and redesign the kitchen with sleek appliances on granite countertops. Be your Sims’ personal interior designer! Give them the kitchens and bathrooms of their dreams with a variety of new furniture, décor, and outfits!
Outfit your Sims - Give your Sims the right attire and accessories to enjoy their brand-new kitchens and bathrooms including a hair turban, spa mask, cooking aprons and luxuriant cashmere pullovers for around the house.
Contemporary Appliances - Update your Sims’ kitchen with that sleek new look you’ve been dreaming about with a stylish refrigerator, food processor, toaster oven, and more.
Charming Kitchens - Renovate the kitchen into the warmest room in the house with romantic touches including new themed wallpaper, wood-carved counters, and ceiling-mounted hanging pot racks.
Modern Bath Designs - Make your Sims’ bath time a modern experience with contemporary esign options such as elegant sectional mirrors, quad-quadrant ceiling lighting with a modern flair, and raceful countertop basin sinks.
Bathroom of your Dreams - Indulge your Sims in a romantic bathroom complete with cozy new tiles, fancy towel racks, romantic paintings, designer rugs, and much more.
A queue is a line. A cue is a pool stick or a hint or guiding suggestion.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 164
Renovate the kitchen into the warmest room in the house with romantic touches including new themed wallpaper, wood-carved counters, and ceiling-mounted hanging pot racks. Oh yes. Nothing says romantic to me like hanging pot racks
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
It's always Caturday here.
Renovate the kitchen into the warmest room in the house with romantic touches including new themed wallpaper, wood-carved counters, and ceiling-mounted hanging pot racks. Oh yes. Nothing says romantic to me like hanging pot racks My mother would beg to differ. She's been wanting them for so long she'd probably do unspeakable things to whoever bought and installed them for her.
I came for the J.M. Pescado stalking. I stayed for the J.M. Pescado stalking.
Lord Darcy
Isn't there already a hanging pot rack for Seasons country kitchen set?
Finally we are getting a new dishwasher for the first time since base game after all 7 EPs are done, pfffft.
J. M. Pescado
Finally we are getting a new dishwasher for the first time since base game after all 7 EPs are done, pfffft.
Well, honestly, what would you want out of a DISHWASHER that you can't attain with a simple recolor?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lord Darcy
I meant the scarcity of kitchen objects in general in all previous EPs. Actually I was going to mention fridge, but then I remembered that Uni came with two new fridges. (If you count the Wornable fridge as 'new', that is.) I just don't understand why EAxis didn't include more kitchen objects in previous EPs. Instead of making a bunch of useless decorative objects like Gorilla statues, they could make just one nice, useful fridge.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Because this is EA.
You can imagine the meetings.
"We could include some useful things, like corner baths and counters that link up to island units" "Nah - our demographics show that what players really, really want is another ton of enormous polycount decorative crap to strew around and make the game run incredibly slowly" "You're so right. I know! Let's give them an enormous Llama statue in multiple horrible colours which will randomly kill sims who try to pet it" "Stuff useful appliances, go with the exploding Llama"

Posts: 1572
Only if you live in Thailand. How else can you view the page? pageBGColor = '#000000'; if (page == 'register_07' || page == 'profile_07'){ if (countryID == 5){ pageHeight = 1647; pageBGColor = '#C5CBC9'; } }
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Only if you live in Thailand. How else can you view the page? pageBGColor = '#000000'; if (page == 'register_07' || page == 'profile_07'){ if (countryID == 5){ pageHeight = 1647; pageBGColor = '#C5CBC9'; } }  I'm not in Thailand, and I can see the page just fine, including the text. 
« Last Edit: 2008 January 17, 14:54:35 by crystalclear »
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
I want, simply because decorating bathrooms and kitchens are my favorite things. They are the only rooms in a Sims house that get me inspired. Maybe now we'll get a stove that works in a kitchen island. It would make my Good Eats Kitchen moar accurate because I won't have to have another stove for the sims to cook on.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |

Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Maybe now we'll get a stove that works in a kitchen island. Island cook tops and wall insert ovens would be shiny (want! in real life too). As this is the bork pool however, I would have to suggest that insertion of wall ovens will cause all sorts of "objects can't intersect other objects" problems, and probably bork sim routing through the kitchen (and it's all L&P anyway).
Tribulatio proxima est
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Ah, yes, bork pool, the new L&P Stuff Pack when come with new tile walls and floors, and none will match. Just like now.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Lord Darcy
Given that SPs never offered any new kinds of objects so far, I think they will be just plain ordinary stoves.
If new pie menus for fridges/stoves/appliances are added in the FreeTime, they will be unavailable in the L&P SP objects, even though the SP is going to be released 2 months AFTER FT. (Like Teen computer and stereo without BV function)
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Or the Glamour Pack furniture not have pet functions.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 113
INTJ mother of an ENTP child. Halp!
I want, simply because decorating bathrooms and kitchens are my favorite things. They are the only rooms in a Sims house that get me inspired. Maybe now we'll get a stove that works in a kitchen island. It would make my Good Eats Kitchen moar accurate because I won't have to have another stove for the sims to cook on.
Okay, *that* sounds fun. Also right up my alley. You have given me renewed purpose in watching Good Eats (as if it was needed). Do you have an Alton Brown Sim? *g* ...I'm now having evil thoughts about making an Anthony Bourdain Sim and a Rachel Ray Sim and watching them go at it.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
*laughs* No, I don't I just loved his kitchen so I gave one of my sims his kitchen. It would be nice if these Kitchen and Bath SP has a fridge that has the freezer on the bottom like his.
It wouldn't be too hard to make one though, his face sorta lends itself to the sims...
"Oh, bother."
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 217
INFP, AQ: 36. Fear.
Well, it's rather obvious that not a damn thing will match. Not even the "sets" of new stuff they add. They've already proved themselves very good at doing that.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2038
Playing again.
Anyone have any idea what "Sims Carnival SnapCity" is?  I can't really view the page. It shows up properly, but the text is gibberish.
Anyone have any idea what "Sims Carnival SnapCity" is?  I can't really view the page. It shows up properly, but the text is gibberish. It sends you to where there is a game for "free trial" or $19.99 purchase. From the creators of The Sims™ comes a unique city-building simulation game with a puzzle twist. Enjoy an entirely new Sims gaming experience as you build cities and solve puzzles in this innovative, casual strategy game! Play through Story mode's 25 unique neighborhood levels! Put your skills to the test in open-ended Creativity mode and build the city of your dreams! Build your city just the way you like it with more than 200 unique buildings an unlockables. The engaging simulation gameplay provides a wealth of ever-changing challenges as you deal with traffic, interactive building effects, and natural and other disasters! If you look for a bit, there is also the Sims Carnival Bumper Blast, that looks like they are charging $20 for a Shockwave game. Edit: Everyone run and have a look, for the borkiness that could be hinted at, in the newly uncovered "Issue 5: SimScientific"! Run Don't walk!
« Last Edit: 2008 January 18, 01:32:36 by morriganrant »
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Let's see. I spy with my little eye one more random phone call for our sims to receive ...much like the ones kids can get when they get straight As or the random simolian rewards. I see one new job and one useless object that, oh goody, can have the aliens rape our male sims on command and ants that escape and do less then the cockroaches. I foresee that the only things that happen with escaped ants are the usual "stomp" and "spray commands". For ants in the farm it will be "watch" and "shake" ...the sims will then laugh after they shake it or feel bad about it depending on their personality. Looks like they couldn't figure out what to give knowledge sims other then decorative objects.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 217
INFP, AQ: 36. Fear.
There will obviously be no "Become highest level Oceanographer" LTW.
Wait, lifetime benefit? Like, you get your LTW and get a nice, shiny reward for it?
Which is apparently getting raped by aliens...
We'll, at least they get a Koi pond for reaching the top of the oceanographer career track. ...wasn't there something like that in sims1? You could get fish food and feed the fish? Damn it, now I want to start the old game up and find out.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 217
INFP, AQ: 36. Fear.
Thank you for reminding me, Morriganrant.
The koi will die very rapidly. In fact, you will be surprised if you ever manage to keep them alive.
The koi will die very rapidly. In fact, you will be surprised if you ever manage to keep them alive.
Or, alternatively, koi pond will be useless decorative object that has fish that most of us can not see. Much like fish tank fish or seasons fish.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..