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The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
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Topic: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7 (Read 111920 times)
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #100 on:
2008 January 18, 04:19:03 »
The maid will find herself in a new infinite loop of cleaning the koi pond.
INFP or something
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #101 on:
2008 January 18, 14:32:42 »
Quote from: morriganrant on 2008 January 18, 02:18:05
We'll, at least they get a Koi pond for reaching the top of the oceanographer career track. ...wasn't there something like that in sims1? You could get fish food and feed the fish? Damn it, now I want to start the old game up and find out.
In the community lot, you could also rent a remote-controlled boat from park booth.
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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #102 on:
2008 January 18, 14:47:56 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 January 18, 14:32:42
Quote from: morriganrant on 2008 January 18, 02:18:05
We'll, at least they get a Koi pond for reaching the top of the oceanographer career track. ...wasn't there something like that in sims1? You could get fish food and feed the fish? Damn it, now I want to start the old game up and find out.
In the community lot, you could also rent a remote-controlled boat from park booth.
They'll try to do that for sims 2 and the remote controlled boat will be borked, like the remote controlled car. And if you have the holiday pack, Santa will now have the choice to give either the fucked up boat or the fucked up car. JOY!
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Lipless Loser
Posts: 622
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #103 on:
2008 January 18, 17:36:44 »
Supposedly there will be a remote controlled helicopter for them to fuck up as well.
Opera loving chickens. Can't eat them. Can't vote for them. Can't wear them as a hat.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #104 on:
2008 January 18, 18:48:46 »
Quote from: gynarchy on 2008 January 18, 17:36:44
Supposedly there will be a remote controlled helicopter for them to fuck up as well.
Helicopters will have a chance of being stuck in the trees. Cars and boats will have a chance to strike obstructions. Either case will, instead of the intended behavior, make the object disappear immediately, leaving an invisible object and possibly sticking your Sim in the "retrieve" animation.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #105 on:
2008 January 18, 19:02:47 »
The new woohoo object will be broken, as sims that use it to woohoo will immediately get crushes on themselves.
Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #106 on:
2008 January 22, 08:31:20 »
Rumour (in the form of Snooty Sims) says that the new creature will be the Genie.
Oh joy. EAxis have decided to revive something already ill-concieved from TS1 and insert it into TS2 with added numptitude.
The potential for horror with this ep grows all the time. Pescado is going to be a busy bunny.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #107 on:
2008 January 22, 15:15:11 »
Quote from: MrsH on 2008 January 22, 08:31:20
Rumour (in the form of Snooty Sims) says that the new creature will be the Genie.
Oh joy. EAxis have decided to revive something already ill-concieved from TS1 and insert it into TS2 with added numptitude.
The potential for horror with this ep grows all the time. Pescado is going to be a busy bunny.
I liked the genie from Sims 1 (though didn't use him all the time). The only way to play the stupid "hillbilly" house (that came with unleashed) was to ruin their lives with the genie.
Want decent sim stories? Go forth and read:
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 9265
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #108 on:
2008 January 22, 16:04:29 »
Quote from: MrsH on 2008 January 22, 08:31:20
Rumour (in the form of Snooty Sims) says that the new creature will be the Genie.
Oh joy. EAxis have decided to revive something already ill-concieved from TS1 and insert it into TS2 with added numptitude.
The potential for horror with this ep grows all the time. Pescado is going to be a busy bunny.
Thank you for the infos, MrsH. Also enjoying the word "numpitude." YOINK!
I thought we already had the genie, in the form of the wishing well.
<notovny> Aww, yeah, WOODBEAST.
<kutto> Keep it in your pants, notovny.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 226
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #109 on:
2008 January 23, 22:06:43 »
Yup we do Assmitten which is why they will add it, it will use different code and cause massive conflicts with the wishing well. So that if you have a wishing well anywhere in your hood on installation the hood will immediately get corrupted and explode the game.
The Genius
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #110 on:
2008 January 23, 22:16:22 »
Toddlers will be allowed to go to the "Special" lots in the car, but the animations will be borken, resulting in ADHD, and the sim-parents will attempt to take the toddlers to regular community lots in the car, which will PHAIL and crash the game.
ETA: Upon the crash, both car and Sims will be stuck in limbo, and we will need Pes's Awesomeness to get the sims back. The car will be lost forever.
Dead Member
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #111 on:
2008 January 23, 22:26:17 »
I am fairly worried about the Lifetime Friends feature. Given everything we know from previous statements, a "low chance of relationship decay" actually means a "0% chance of relationship decay" (much like how an "increased chance of twins" actually means a "100% chance of twins"). To this end, they will probably also be hilariously easy to obtain, leading to more useless relationship panel spam.
And given that the Lifetime Aspiration meter will probably be powered by Lifetime Wants, it's almost a certainty that sims who have previously fulfilled LTWs won't get all/any of them counted towards the LTAM.
They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal.
- Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #112 on:
2008 January 29, 19:16:22 »
I predict excessive gypsy spawning because of this sentance on Snooty Sims.
The Lamp is delivered to you by the gypsy, but if you want more genies, you can spawn it with boolprop.
They either assume that everyone has NL or they will spawn a gypsy for those that don't have NL. So those of us with NL will probably end up with extra gypsys. Maybe repetitive npc spam once again.
The FT cars will not work properly unless you have NL, those without NL will suffer from car errors every time they try to leave the lot in one.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Posts: 2486
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #113 on:
2008 January 31, 00:14:12 »
When a sim dies of old age, 3 of their elder friends will also die of old age due to how birthdays are now handled. These sims will be, more often than not, your playable sims who are at the very beginning of their elder years.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1710
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #114 on:
2008 January 31, 00:22:39 »
Everyone in the household will be forced to grow up without warning when one sim grows up
while elders die off quickly
Last Edit: 2008 January 31, 09:36:22 by Giggy
<Annan> Kofi is such an ass. She never responds when I try to be nice.
*Ella whine*
<Kiki> of course I give you shit...I can't stand you. I think you're an abortion 23 years too late.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #115 on:
2008 January 31, 09:33:57 »
Quote from: kutto on 2008 January 31, 00:14:12
When a sim dies of old age, 3 of their elder friends will also die of old age due to how birthdays are now handled. These sims will be, more often than not, your playable sims who are at the very beginning of their elder years.
Actually, I wouldn't mind *that* bug at all.
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Asinine Airhead
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #116 on:
2008 February 03, 17:56:30 »
The Eternal Newspaper Delivery will start if you don't remove/update inTeen or inSim prior to installation. And, of course, the "become Lifetime Friends with [insert random townie they just met and will never see again]" want spam.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #117 on:
2008 February 03, 22:12:21 »
When your sim parks a car, it will park two levels above where the garage is.
All newborn babies will be aliens, regardless of who their parents were.
Social Workers will take your baby as soon as it's born, but will never leave your lot, rendering it unplayable.
Precision Lightning strikes will begin occuring as frequently as possible. They will strike down your sims at completely random times, regardless of whether or not they are inside or outside, or if it's even storming to begin with.
It will completely delete your downloads folder at first play.
All sims will be bald. Therefore, your game will explode when you calculate their man score:
division by zero=fail.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 October 24, 00:11:10
Being racist is so limiting. Why confine your hatred to specific skin colors, countries, or beliefs? The entire world can be yours to hate.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #118 on:
2008 February 04, 15:38:43 »
That's why you take your Downloads folder OUT before installing a new EP. DUH.
Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Count Four
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #119 on:
2008 February 08, 08:28:43 »
Choose one or many;
a) There will be no option to have an alarm installed in a fixable car.
b) There will be an option to have an alarm installed in a fixable car, but sending a fixable car to have an alarm installed will result in limbo loss of car, sim or both.
c) Sending fixable car to have an alarm installed will result in mysterious spawnage of multiple, identical, cheap-ass, fixable cars, that all want to come home;
d) Sims will have option to install car alarm themselves, resulting in portal deletion and/or other mayhem.
e) Fixable cars do not register as repaired, even though the car fixin' progress bar is full--car is driveway art, until Pes hacks a fix.
f) Car fixin' is outdoor-only activity and borks temperature, resulting in spontaneous combustion plague.
g) Car fixin' is garage-only activitiy; fixin' car inside garage borks garage doors.
Last Edit: 2008 February 08, 08:34:07 by Count Four
Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #120 on:
2008 February 08, 09:21:45 »
Quote from: Count Four on 2008 February 08, 08:28:43
f) Car fixin' is outdoor-only activity and borks temperature, resulting in spontaneous combustion plague.
Spontanous car combustion would be awesone ("I swear, Officer, it was an accident").
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #121 on:
2008 February 08, 14:47:00 »
It would be awesome if there was a new sim death, "Crushed by car."
Quote from: reggikko
Quote from: J. M. Pescado
Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Unawesome Abomination
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #122 on:
2008 February 10, 22:20:53 »
That would be much too violent for the sims, they cannot let their rating go up past Teen, even though violence is part of real life.
Quote from: Count Four on 2008 February 08, 08:28:43
e) Fixable cars do not register as repaired, even though the car fixin' progress bar is full--car is driveway art, until Pes hacks a fix.
E for the win.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #123 on:
2008 February 11, 08:53:21 »
Too violent for a game where dying in a kitchen fire is considered funny
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: The bork pool for L&P Sims 2 "Free Time / Hobbies / Numpty Crap" EP7
Reply #124 on:
2008 February 11, 22:35:36 »
The new supernatural, according to Snooty Sims, is a genie. In a bottle. wow.
Still - all kinds of potential for borkiness when granting your three wishes (Mine: 1. make the game work properly, 2. stop the madness of sim monomania, 3. no more hidden neighbourhoods).
Ah - ninja'd on the news about the genie, I see, but I still want my three wishes
Quote from: Jelenedra on 2008 February 08, 14:47:00
It would be awesome if there was a new sim death, "Crushed by car."
That's the first thing I tried when I got Nightlife - 't would indeed be awesome.
Last Edit: 2008 February 11, 22:43:07 by maxon
Inteen for AL, yay!
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