This is what I found and I'm testing whether it works:, nhood deco is hacked a different way. It actually does have labeled lines where you put yes or no for things like being placeable in roads and in lots. I had it all figured out when I did my hacked nhood rocks, but can't remember much now. I could take a look for you. Or you can download my nhood rocks from MTS2 and see what number is in the "allowed in lots" line. That would be the "yes" number, and you'd use it in the "allowed in roads" line.
Here, I looked up my rocks hack. This is what you will need to look for:
You can see what I put in the "allowed in lots" line.
must change removeonlotplop to 0x00000000 or the game will ignore whatever is in allowedinlot and allowedonroad.