J. M. Pescado
So, in an effort to assess the popularity of various Awesomewares as we decide what products to merge and/or discontinue, here's a survey: What Awesomeware do YOU have in YOUR downloads directory?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I don't DC. I'm also not writing it all out, because you have too much good crap. Here is my downloads folder:
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
J. M. Pescado
I see you're still using the sandcastle fix, which was obsoleted and merged into vacation fixes, which you lack. It looks like you need to update. And organize better, I don't recognize several of those things.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 75
I basically use the director's cut. I'm not currently using the no___respawn hacks, because I just started a new neighbourhood with the blank templates.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I see you're still using the sandcastle fix, which was obsoleted and merged into vacation fixes, which you lack. It looks like you need to update. And organize better, I don't recognize several of those things.
Too many subfolders make me sad. My objects folder is insane with the sub-folders. There's a couple in there by Inge (ij...), TwoJeffs, and MultiPoly & the plot mod from creators at MTS2. I know where they're all from. Good note on the vacation fix hack...don't think I'd seen that one. Shall delete & add.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Posts: 2486
The only two files in the DC that I don't use are "antivisitcampus" and "dropoldloves". I am, however, also using several hacks in the "test" folder.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
I'm using the Seasons DC, haven't grabbed BV yet.
Bon Voyage director's cut minus a few.
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
« Last Edit: 2007 December 20, 02:18:28 by dawn »
Dawn, that was a mean bitch of a download for us poor sods on dialup (and still downloading as I write this).
antiprank antiredundancy ffsdebugger fruitbowl orchardtree fix payatbox phonehack phonehack-talkmodule sandcastlefix
Yeah, my hacks folder is a bit sparse but I tend to wait until things start to really irritate me. Like waiting ten minutes for a stupid image to load.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Sorry, fixed.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
I don't DC, but I borrow from it, and from /test, and then there are a couple of things which are obsoleted for others, but still necessary for patch-less Macs running Seasons.
Hacked Mailbox Cover and Recolours antibusinessdecay.package antidateflowers.package antigardenlag.package antipeeobsession.package antiprankhack.package antiredundancy.package antivisitcampus.package antiwatchout.package antiweatherreaction.package asprechargetweak.package authorized_personnel_only.package autosoc.package autoyak.package babycontrol-peach.package babycontrol.package bathroomusesyou.package biotechfix.package businessrunsyou.package callover.package clothingtool-globals.package clothingtool.package coffeecuphack.package collegeclock.package comm-skilling.package crumplefix.package customerselector.package dailygardener.package doorbell-quieter.package dramafix.package encouragificator.package enemiesaccumulate.package evilsimseviltoys.package expensivenpcs.package fastpass.package ffsdebugger.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fitness4all.package frontdoorhack.package fruitbowl.package gctowniefix.package gpsign.package harderjobs.package indoorplantfix.package kickthecheat.package ls_career_entertainment.package ls_career_gamedev.package ltwvariety.package macrotastics.package manual-navigation.package marriage-postmortum.package missingmanagerfix.package moneyorder.package no20Khandouts.package noagediscrimination.package noagingswarm.package noaplusspam.package noautopetbuy.package nobabyharassment.package nobathroomdishes.package nocorruptdeath.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package noinstantlove.package nolamehires.package nooffercheap.package noplayableshoppers.package noreassign.package noservochores.package nostupidonreset.package nounlinkondelete.package petsp0-jobfixes.package petsp0-servicecallfix.package pettempadfix.package phonehack-talkmodule.package phonehack.package primpfix.package privateschoolbillfix.package relevantwages.package restaurantbarfix.package robotrestockfix.package romancemod.package scannergunhack.package skillinator.package sleepclock.package smartercashier.package snseldercareeroutfitfix.package snsnpcslotfix.package snsp0nrgizerfix.package sshack.package stuckobjremover.package synctimer.package table-noodlesoother.package table-thinkingcap.package thefightclub.package tippingfix.package uni_ltws_sns.package vampwerefixes.package winterflowerfix.package woohooltwfix.package zombieapoc.package
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 133
Is there an easy way to get a list or should I take a screenshot?
*runs off to delete sandcastlefix*
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
As far as FFS goes, I have the BV director's cut and everything else from the hack directory except Zombie Apocalypse and noxylophonepee (I find the xylophone sound amusing). I also have all the playsets and toys, the portapotty from Pet Stories, a couple of things from the test directory, and makebuyable.
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep: $2518 We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Is there an easy way to get a list or should I take a screenshot?
put this in the notepad and save as bat file, then run it from your downloads folder @ECHO OFF dir /a /b /-p /o:gen >filelisting.txt filelisting.txt del filelisting.txt ECHO it'll compile a list for you
antiweatherreaction collegeclock commstereofix ffsdebugger marriagebugfix marriage-postmortum marriage-traditional missingmanagerfix noagediscrimination novelprogress orchardtreefix scannergunhack warmthfixes
I also keep a copy of the pianofix around, because they seem to break the piano so often.
Vita brevis, Ars longa. "And so goest thy butthurt n00bs whosoever cannot have accolades and benes heaped upon them, as in the manner of vomit from a sorority girl, to which they are accustomed." lemmiwinks 1:1
Posts: 1740
I don't use the DC, but I use a lot of stuff. My Pescado hack folder contains:
abortbedmaking.package antibabylecture.package antibagthrow.package antibusinessdecay.package antidateflowers.package antifoodnap.package antipeeobsession.package antiprankhack.package antiredundancy.package antivacationactions.package antiwatchout.package antiweatherreaction.package asprechargetweak.package authorized_personnel_only.package autosoc.package autoyak.package babycontrol.package bandatronmovefix.package bathroomusesyou.package bedsidefix.package biotechfix.package businessrunsyou.package bvchildanimfix.package callover.package captainhero.package cargetinfix-ofbp2.package carpoolfix.package clothingtool.package clothingtool-globals.package coffeecuphack.package collegeclock.package commstereofix.package crumplefix.package customerselector.package dailygardener.package debugabductfix.package dontwaveatme.package doorbell-quieter.package doorjamfix.package dormbillfix.package dramafix.package dropoldloves.package eggjuicememfix.package encouragificator.package fasterbuyclothes.package fastpass.package ffsdebugger.package finalfix-nlp2.package firemod.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fitness4all.package frontdoorhack.package fruitbowl.package gctowniefix.package gradpartymemfix.package harderjobs.package hugginghack.package indoorplantfix.package interactwogreet.package kickthecheat.package lesspetwarfare.package lesswhiny.package ls_career_entertainment.package ls_career_gamedev.package ltwvariety.package macrotastics.package magicwand.package magicwandcollection.package manual-navigation.package marriage-postmortum.package missingmanagerfix.package moneyorder.package no20Khandouts.package noadhd.package noagediscrimination.package noaplusspam.package noautopetbuy.package nobabyharassment.package nobathroomdishes.package nobuskers.package nocollegeobsession.package nocorruptdeath.package nocrybabies.package nodeanspam.package nodroptiredbaby.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package noghostelevatorlag.package nogizmowants.package noinfluenceobsession.package noinstantlove.package nolamehires.package nooffercheap.package noplagiarism.package nopuddlerage.package norabbitspin.package norandomcrush.package norandomflirtwants.package noreassign.package noretiredjobspam.package noroadpillows.package noroutefail.package noshockforoutgoing.package nosmartmilkdrag.package nossrespawn.package nostrayrespawn.package nostupidonreset.package notelepathy.package nounlinkondelete.package novanishindorms.package novelprogress.package nowhatsthis.package orchardtreefix.package petsp0-jobfixes.package petsp0-servicecallfix.package pettempadfix.package phonehack.package phonehack-talkmodule.package pianofix.package poolhack.package primpfix.package punchcuphack.package relevantwages.package remotebusinessfix.package restaurantbarfix.package robotrestockfix.package romancemod.package romanceurnstonefix.package runtoclass.package
sandcastlefix.package savethetrees.package scannergunhack.package skillinator.package sleepclock.package smartercashier.package snseldercareeroutfitfix.package snsnpcslotfix.package snsp0nrgizerfix.package sshack.package stereohack.package stuckobjremover.package swindlerslist.package synctimer.package table-noodlesoother.package table-thinkingcap.package thefightclub.package tippingfix.package togafix.package tombstonemovefix.package uni_ltws_sns.package unsubscribe.package vacationfixes.package vampirefixes.package vampwerefixes.package waiterfix.package warmthfixes.package wfsanity.package wolfwatchers.package woohooltwfix.package
I've experiments to run, there is research to be done on the people who are still alive.
J. M. Pescado
I also keep a copy of the pianofix around, because they seem to break the piano so often. Bleh, that's ALL you have? You suck.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 445
I have EVERYTHING from the dc except a few files. Their just minor ones like the one that changes how the last names work when getting married. And believe it or not i still have the old, old, horribly old continous painting and the abductions hack. I love continous painting so i've never gotten rid of it. It's a great way to keep them occupied.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 519
"54% Scrumptiousness"
List attached. Ivy
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 63
My list attached
Not at all awesome
Hairy-Bellied Heretic
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2354
DC - minus a few - noinstantloves causes way too much frustration, and I kinda like my townies respawning every so often.
abortbedmaking.package afhairmediumcenterpart.package antibabylecture.package antibagthrow.package antibusinessdecay.package antidateflowers.package antiflycatching.package antifoodnap.package antigardenlag.package antipeeobsession.package antipetobsession.package antiprankhack.package antiredundancy.package antivacationactions.package antiwatchout.package antiweatherreaction.package asprechargetweak.package authorized_personnel_only.package autosoc.package autoyak.package babycontrol.package bandatronmovefix.package bathroomusesyou.package bedsidefix.package biotechfix.package breakupfix.package businessrunsyou.package bvchildanimfix.package callover.package carpoolfix.package censustool.package clothingtool.package clothingtool-globals.package coffeecuphack.package collegeclock.package commlightson.package comm-skilling.package commstereofix.package crumplefix.package customerselector.package dailygardener.package darwincowplant.package dontshootfood.package dontwaveatme.package doorbell-quieter.package doorjamfix.package dormbillfix.package dramafix.package eggjuicememfix.package encouragificator.package enemiesaccumulate.package engagewantfix.package expensivenpcs.package fasterbuyclothes.package fastpass.package ffsdebugger.package firemod.package fishandharvestfix.package fishpolefix.package fitness4all.package frontdoorhack.package fruitbowl.package gctowniefix.package ghostbuster.package gradpartymemfix.package harderjobs.package hugginghack.package indoorplantfix.package interactwogreet.package interestlosshack.package kickthecheat.package lesspetwarfare.package lesswhiny.package lobonanny.package localwalkby.package ltwvariety.package macrotastics.package magicwand.package magicwandcollection.package makebuyable.package manual-navigation.package marriage-postmortum.package missingmanagerfix.package moneyorder.package no20Khandouts.package noadhd.package noagediscrimination.package noagingswarm.package noaplusspam.package noassignmentlitter.package noautopetbuy.package nobabyharassment.package nobathroomdishes.package nobogartingswings.package nobuskers.package nocollegeobsession.package nocorruptdeath.package nocrybabies.package nodiningwithscum.package nodrivewayshuffle.package nodroptiredbaby.package nodupegradmems.package noeatcrap.package nofraternization.package noghostelevatorlag.package noinfluenceobsession.package nolamehires.package nooffercheap.package nopedostalkers.package noplagiarism.package noplayableshoppers.package nopuddlerage.package norabbitspin.package norandomcrush.package noreassign.package noretiredjobspam.package noroadpillows.package noroutefail.package noservochores.package noshockforoutgoing.package nosmartmilkdrag.package nossrespawn.package notelepathy.package noteleportpuddle.package notownieregen.package noundeaddormies.package nouniprotect.package nounlinkondelete.package nounneededcoats.package novanishindorms.package novelprogress.package nowhatsthis.package Numenor_TanningBed_main.package orchardtreefix.package petsp0-jobfixes.package petsp0-servicecallfix.package phonehack.package phonehack-talkmodule.package poolhack.package primpfix.package privateschoolbillfix.package punchcuphack.package relevantwages.package remotebusinessfix.package restaurantbarfix.package robotrestockfix.package romancemod.package romanceurnstonefix.package rpshack.package runtoclass.package sandcastlefix.package savethetrees.package scannergunhack.package shoonobreakgroup.package skillinator.package sleepclock.package smartercashier.package snseldercareeroutfitfix.package snsnpcslotfix.package sshack.package stereohack.package stuckobjremover.package swindlerslist.package synctimer.package table-noodlesoother.package table-thinkingcap.package thefightclub.package tippingfix.package toastinghack.package togafix.package tombstonemovefix.package uni_ltws_sns.package vacationfixes.package vampwerefixes.package waiterfix.package warmthfixes.package Weirdo.package wfsanity.package wind_mailboxcover.package winterflowerfix.package wolfwatchers.package woohooltwfix.package yellowpee.package yellowpeeobject.package
J. M. Pescado
I don't use the DC, but I use a lot of stuff. My Pescado hack folder contains: I notice you're still using the old nogizmowants, which got fused with wfsanity ages ago.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.