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Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
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Topic: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming (Read 30776 times)
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #25 on:
2007 December 18, 11:22:47 »
Quote from: angelyne on 2007 December 16, 16:08:18
You can start a business but you're not allowed to hire employees. You can only use your children for cheap labor. I'm toying with the idea of permitting jfade packing stations, but not the employee controllers. Or allowing food to be baked and sold. I think baked goods do come from the fridge right? I am not sure.
Not sure what you mean by "Employee Controllers". Macros, again, don't let you do anything you can't already do, only with less carpal tunnel. But ultimately, this is a solved challenge. The ability for sims to survive indefinitely on an empty lot has already been solved. Given that sims can survive on an empty lot with no actual furniture, anything else you permit is just bonus.
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #26 on:
2007 December 19, 05:29:04 »
Just an FYI: jfade didn't make the packing stations or employee controllers. These were made by Paladin at Sims Wardrobe.
Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Horny Turkey
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Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #27 on:
2007 December 19, 06:20:12 »
Quote from: notveryawesome on 2007 December 19, 05:29:04
Just an FYI: jfade didn't make the packing stations or employee controllers. These were made by Paladin at Sims Wardrobe.
FYI, "FYI" does not take an article, since it is not a noun, but a prepositional phrase.
Grammar Day 2007 - thank you for participating.
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #28 on:
2007 December 19, 21:00:51 »
I have some farming families and I've been toying around with Simslice's "cycle of life" series for livestock. I don't like alot of the features, and you can't make much profit off of them. For example, It would be much better if the milk from the cows went in to the sims inventory, but instead it spawns a carton of milk which they drink right away.
There are other things I want to change, espeacially the financial aspects. Animal offspring can only be sold for 1 simoleon, regardless of whether it's a horse or a chicken. Once they grow up you can sell them for more, and their value increases depending on care and age... but once again, all animals have the same value range, starting off at 30 simoleons.
I've been trying to learn more about interaction modding so I can fix these things, or at least create my own.
So far, all I've done is change the meshes to better ones. For a pay site, simslice certainly doesn't give a crap about the visual quality of what the put out. But then again, most pay sites don't
I changed the dogs to donkeys and the cats to goats since both are obsolete with ep4. Here are some pictures if anyone is interested.
I don't have any good pictures at the moment.
The horses are mine, but the other animals I got from somewhere else.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #29 on:
2007 December 21, 21:22:56 »
My main pet-peeve with the Simslice 'Cycle of Life' animals, is the attraction pull for both visitors and household members. Unless my sims are kept busy 24/7, they're immediately outside, pestering the animals or disposing of the feed that i just bought. Lockable gates/fences help, then they are complaining about the locked gate. On the flip side, at least i know where to look first, when i lose sight of my sims.
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
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[23:56] Pescado: ATTACK, MY DUCKY MINIONS!
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #30 on:
2007 December 23, 04:14:42 »
My main pet-peeve with the Simslice 'Cycle of Life' animals, is the attraction pull for both visitors and household members. Unless my sims are kept busy 24/7, they're immediately outside, pestering the animals or disposing of the feed that i just bought. Lockable gates/fences help, then they are complaining about the locked gate. On the flip side, at least i know where to look first, when i lose sight of my sims.
Oh yeah
If you look at the sims in my screens, you'll see there all standing around doing nothing. I hardly ever play with autonomy off, but I couldn't take much more of this obsession.
And vistors should never milk my cows. I don't even milk them. It's just too stupid to stand the site of. Like the "say hello" interaction, I'd rather not watch my sims cluck and flap their arms like a chicken.
I'm trying to think of better daily interactions I can replace these with, like grooming. And maybe the 'eat' command could be replaced by 'slaughter" where you then have the choice to put the meat in the fridge or sell it. It would also be more interesting the price of the product was affected by the quality of the animal, via care and attention given. Kinda like how plants can produce different qualities of crops.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #31 on:
2007 December 25, 17:13:19 »
I made four sims with hippie names, stuck them on what I called a "commune" - a giant lot with a tiny little bungalow thing (and some tents for beds outside). Then I put a few hundred garden plots. The challenge there is raising them all to mouthwatering without your sims dropping dead of exhaustion OR using the energizer (I also didn't put a coffee machine for macro-energize). It amused me for a few afternoons
INFP or something
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #32 on:
2007 December 26, 20:32:02 »
On the farm animals theme: I use the ones made by Sims Mod Board, available I believe in
Also not very pretty (I love your horses Dragon Slave!) but more useful than the pesky Simslice-ones. They can be slaughtered for meat, which either can be sold or put as groceries in the fridge. There are chickens too, that lay eggs. I also like SMB:s mill and the bee hives. Not so useful for this cruel challenge, but if you are into Sims farming..
Dragon Slave
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 499
Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #33 on:
2007 December 28, 02:50:37 »
Thanks Ingeli
I remember SMB's animals, I had them in my game for a while when I was trying to decide if I should use them over simslice's. In the end, I went with COL because they could move around... even if it was just jumping from tile to tile. I think I'm going to redownload SMB's though, I might be able to study the bhav's and learn some things that I could then add to my own, or simslice's, whichever
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
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Re: Idea for a challenge -subsistence farming
Reply #34 on:
2007 December 28, 21:25:59 »
This is one part of my challenge I'm having the most trouble figuring out. I want to make it so farming isn't easy money, ruining the point of a poverty challenge, but at the same time I don't necessarily want to restrict it, and I like the idea of the sims spending a lot of time on the garden. So how to keep the right balance? So far I have thought of restricting the number of garden plots, or forbidding vegetables (and fish) to be sold. Or no restrictions at all, since the biggest problem might be with finding enough land area on a 2x1 lot. But I'm not sure how any of those would actually work.
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