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Author Topic: Leaving things from inventories on community lots  (Read 6286 times)
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265

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Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« on: 2005 October 22, 07:37:35 »

Can this be done with things other than gravestones?  My sim's fiancee just died in a tragic accident and I would like him to go leave the dream date bouquet she gave him at her grave (on the community lot).  If I have him leave it there will it show up by the phone in build mode?  I didn't think of trying it till I quit the game and really want to know if it will work, or if gravestones have a special property so only they can be left on community lots.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #1 on: 2005 October 22, 07:56:22 »

Lovely idea, but I don't think it would work because nothing placed on a community lot is saved.  I often buy things while I'm there, but they're gone when I go back.  I can never get around to actually going in and placing them in build mode, or I never remember where to go.  I just wish someone would make a mod so we can put things in when we're visiting and they'll stay there.

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Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #2 on: 2005 October 22, 08:07:21 »

Instead of leaving bouquets - resurrect her...Smiley.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265

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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #3 on: 2005 October 22, 08:11:52 »

Isn't it too late for resurrection now that she's at the community lot? Anyway I want her to stay dead. Sorry gali!

I will give it a go later and see what happens.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #4 on: 2005 October 22, 12:52:11 »

You can sort of do it but it's convoluted. I know you can do boolprop dormspecificcheatsdisabled false and then changelotzoning residential to add items or move things around but I just checked and the inventory is still disabled that way. What you would have to do is go into the lot in build mode, use the cheat changelotzoning dorm (I am using dorm as opposed to residential because you shouldn't need to cheat your sim tons of money to move in there). Have your sim move out and into the 'dorm' community lot. Place the item, save, go to neighborhood mode, have your sim move out and back into their old place (you can use Inge's shrub to keep the furniture from being sold) and then go into the community lot, do changelotzoning community and then save and exit.

You can also do changelotzoning residential to the lot instead of dorm to do this whole process, but then you will have to motherlode your sim a boatload of money to be able to afford the lot and then I guess find some way to get rid of it if you don't want to cheat. I know Monique's computer let's you 'donate' money and Carrigon's tin can bank will take funds out of the household. You can also use SimPE to change the family funds back to what it was.

Heh, where there's a will there's a way, but if you really want to do it, you'll have to jump through hoops.  Shocked

*edit: Alternately, I noticed Windkeeper over at TSR extracted the rose boquet mesh and made it into a decorative item. It's actually on free rotation right now, but just for today (Saturday).

Of course it won't have the card, but it will otherwise pretty much look the same.
« Last Edit: 2005 October 22, 20:41:34 by Motoki » Logged

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #5 on: 2005 October 22, 16:00:55 »

You can also use the Family Funds cheat to fix the money situation.

ctrl-shift-c, then type in familyfunds Familyname +/-amount

It lets you add whatever number you type in where above is amount or take away any number you type in there.  It's one of the handiest things I've seen in the game.

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks flowers should've been made placeable on community lots. LOL  They do look so pretty beside a headstone!

Feckless Fool
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #6 on: 2005 October 22, 16:20:25 »

Has anyone used the changelotzoning cheat to set up original ghosts on a residental lot then changed it to a community to make, say, a haunted house of sorts?

Someone once posted some excellent "corpse" type sims on TSR I think. Their main purpose was to be introduced into the game so that they could be killed on a community lot and take up positions as ghosts there.  The trouble was ghosts were limited to residental lots at the time.

Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #7 on: 2005 October 22, 16:27:18 »

Prior to NL that didn't seem to work for me. However since NL does allow sims to place tombstones on community lots and ghosts (I assume I've not seen any personally) are now fully functional on community lots it may well work.

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265

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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #8 on: 2005 October 22, 20:27:30 »

Thanks Motoki for the link to the decorative bouquet and the advice on the changelotzoning cheat - I may still give that a go as I think it would be nice to have those little cards with the sim's picture on them there too.

Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Leaving things from inventories on community lots
« Reply #9 on: 2005 October 22, 23:15:48 »

Has anyone used the changelotzoning cheat to set up original ghosts on a residental lot then changed it to a community to make, say, a haunted house of sorts?

Someone once posted some excellent "corpse" type sims on TSR I think. Their main purpose was to be introduced into the game so that they could be killed on a community lot and take up positions as ghosts there.  The trouble was ghosts were limited to residental lots at the time.


I did manage to do this with University. The ghosts tended to scare everyone on the lots, including the cashiers, but nobody died.

Things I did notice when testing it out.

You need to start out the lot as a Residential Lot. Starting it out as a Community Lot   tends to mean that the gravestones aren't  there when you visit the finished product..

You needed to live on the lot for a few days before the ghosts started haunting. If you immediately turned it to a community lot, visitng Sims would have to stay on the community lot for a few days before ghosts showed up.


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