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Author Topic: Less Pet Warfare  (Read 51656 times)
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Less Pet Warfare
« Reply #25 on: 2008 December 11, 07:25:26 »

I understood the part about checking the pie menu with controlpets on, so I did and found that hostile actions are unavailable.  What I don't understand is what you mean by "external".  External to what?

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Less Pet Warfare
« Reply #26 on: 2008 December 11, 07:53:37 »

"External", as in, something is forcing them to occur by using Push Interaction, as opposed to something the sims are deciding to do on their own.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Less Pet Warfare
« Reply #27 on: 2008 December 11, 21:55:59 »

Hmm, well whatever it is, it isn't tight pants.  I tested my game with my tight pants removed today and there was no change.  To add even more fun and suspense, I've noticed that one particular puppy out of a litter of three (these would be Soot's cousins, incidently) seems to be responding much less to "playful" and "calm" training than the other two - as he's still running around crazily, howling, barking, etc. while his littermates have pretty much given all of that up.  It's hard to say since puppies are so limited in their behavior patterns, but I may have problem dog #3 in the works.  I'll let you know once he's big enough to do more than bark at nothing.

Edit: Sorry I didn't get back very fast.  But during that time I've had plenty of opportunity to observe my dogs very closely.

I'm beginning to suspect that it could have everything to do with the adopted wolves - that something (probably Eaxian dumb-code) is pushing dogs to go after wolves.  However, I'm only guessing this because I noticed it's always the dog that's the aggressor and the victim is always a wolf.  But that isn't definative conclusion to reach because this neighborhood has a grand total of one lot with more than one adopted wolf on it and no lots where more than one adult wolf lives - the vast majority of my lots with dogs contain one adult dog and one adult wolf.  Obviously I've been trying to breed dogs that look like wolves but, since my sadorandom number generator doesn't seem to like making female wolves, my dogs are too related to breed to eachother so that makes dog/wolf pairings necessary.  And it's only some of these pairings that result in hostility - some of them are perfectly fine.

So the problem could have nothing to do with wolves vs. dogs since my sample size of anything else is so small, especially if it's a problem that the wolves are somehow immune to.  So, barring finding a Eaxian dumb-code, I've been thinking that the best way to conclusively say whether or not this is the case is to edit one of my victim wolves in SimPE so that the game no longer identifies it as a wolf instead of a dog and see if that solves the problem.  I'd have tried that already but I don't know exactly what I'd need to edit, despite my better-than-newbie SimPE skillz.  Or I could figure out how to get enough dogs on the same lot who like eachother enough that they shouldn't be fighting, but that would end up being a lot of work thanks to how I've got everything setup now.
« Last Edit: 2008 December 24, 18:26:02 by Avalikia » Logged

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