I thought I was done, but the deadline's not passed yet, and TSR still exists, so of course there's more shit to find and report.
This is pay content that's been featured for how 'good' it is.
http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/sims2/body/makeup/106202/"But new person," you may be saying, "That's no worse than anything EAxis have done."
I say nothing. Once again, I quote the original artist:
Maxis default facepaint, recoloured.
Maxis default facep- don't I already have that? Didn't I already pay for that when I bought the game? And you want me to pay for it
again?EAxis have a low standard. For me to give a third party my monies for their bitmaps on my sims, those bitmaps have to exceed EAxis quality by light-years. This...is on par with EAxis. If it were free, par would be fine, but it's not free and
that's why this thing can go fuck right off.