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Author Topic: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.  (Read 29222 times)
Asinine Airhead

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"Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« on: 2007 October 31, 22:44:40 »

I know I've been just DUMPING all my problems on you guys lately, but I really appreciate all your help. You are the awesomenest!

I have Seasons, and all EPs, including BV, and my "Have a leftover" option disappeared.  I can still STORE leftovers, but I can't get 'em.  I tried removing all food and fridge related hacks (I have Dizzy's Put Away Food and Inge's No Autonomous Fridges patch for seasons) and still nothing. I have tried with several fridges to make sure it wasn't a bungled object. 

Are there any other hacks known to interfere with leftovers??  Huh

Thanks again!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #1 on: 2007 October 31, 23:00:12 »

I would think any hack related to food just might be causing this.  Have you tried a)checking that you have all the latest updates, and b) none of the hacks you have have been made superfluous by the patch, and c) removing all your hacks to see if the problem persists?

Zephyr Zodiac
Asinine Airhead

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #2 on: 2007 November 01, 02:00:39 »

Thank you for replying and yes, I took out all my food and fridge related hacks (i hope...)

This is what they were:

Food Already Available Fix
Visitor Snacking Fix
No Autonomy Fridges

.. hm that's quite a few, some kinda redundant really.....  but anyway, WITHOUT all those, I still can't retrieve my leftovers. DISABLING custom content altogether, then yeeeah it DOES work. Tongue  I suppose I have some errant hack somewhere, but Paladin's Hack Conflict Detector isn't detecting any conflicts.

Hmph.  Embarrassed
Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #3 on: 2007 November 01, 03:34:14 »

Well, that's all it does, detect conflicts, it doesn't detect out of date or redundant hacks.  So, remove all your hacks, and see if it works then.  If it does, you know it's a hack, so you put half back, if it works you take those out and put the other half back.  If it works, you have something odd going on between each of the halves, so check them all for being up-to-date and not superseded by the patch.

On the other hand, if taking all your hacks out doesn't solve the problem, you know it's not a hack, so it must be a download, probably a fridge, so take out all custom fridges that haven't been updated for your latest ep.  If that solves the problem, check back for updates from the creator, and if there aren't any, put them back one at a time until you find the one, two or whatever that cause the problem with leftovers.  Then you just have to manage without them, I'm afraid.  However, if you haven't got Around the Sims fridges, there are updates for Seasons for all her fridges, and the NL ones go with a lot of kitchens.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #4 on: 2007 November 01, 15:49:34 »

Problems with custom fridges and leftovers have been reported in other threads.  Ensure cc fridges are not "oldversioned" or remove and test using regular maxoid fridges.

Fridge command should be something like "get leftovers" if any are available.  Problem with cc fridges seems to be that the sim can put leftovers in, but they disappear and cannot be accessed.

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #5 on: 2007 November 01, 16:37:46 »

I had this problem with custom fridge. They weren't "ready for Seasons" as I got them BEFORE Seasons came out.

I think Jordi made a thread about fixing custom fridges in SimPe if you do a search.

Other than that, use Clean Installer to see if you have any hacks hiding out in some other folder. Hacks are in red. ^_~

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #6 on: 2007 November 02, 11:40:54 »

It was the CC fridges that gave me this problem.  Why do you always discover it when they put in that lobster thermidor with fresh veg?  I dumped all my nice CC fridges rather than go hunt around for updates.  I'm now using maxis fridges. Boring!  I guess when I get annoyed enough about designer kitchens with a maxis fridge, I'll go on a downloading spree.

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #7 on: 2007 November 02, 12:42:20 »

Well, one reason I suggested Around the Sims is that Sandy put all her updated fridges together - you don't need to visit every single kitchen to get them.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #8 on: 2007 November 02, 13:34:19 »

Hmmm.  Reading this, I realize that my 'hoods would likely be considered ridiculously boring.  I never got around to downloading a lot of custom furnishings.  I have a few bedclothes recolours, and a couple of chairs, lamps, tables, etc., but no designer sets of anything, least of all fridges.  I generally just use the expensive stainless steel maxis fridge, since I believe (rightly or wrongly, possibly both) that steel goes with everything.

In my current "not-quite-so-squalid-anymore-after-the-latest-renovations-beach-hut" my family has the mid-price range fridge.  I think it's cheaper to simply buy a new fridge when it's empty, which means that they can pretty much have a different coloured fridge each week.  This is amusing to me, but does nothing for matched decor.

The blighters pretty much live on leftovers.

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #9 on: 2007 November 02, 14:32:38 »

I had a different leftover problem -- on some lots, the leftovers in the fridge turned into empty plates.  On others they were fine.  I finally figured out the common thread -- Targa's modified fridges that I put in the baby's room. Even though I added the Seasons menu choices to the fridge, if it was present the first time I sent a sim to get leftovers after installing BV, there were empty plates. Deleting it from the lot solved the problem.

Just a warning to anyone who hits a similar problem.  Pity, too, because I liked having the small fridges that let the sims get a bottle out.  Made placing the nursery a lot more flexible.

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Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #10 on: 2007 November 02, 14:37:46 »

It's cheaper to replace the cheap fridge than to get groceries delivered, though I think getting them from the shops works out around the same, but obviously more bother, but I'm pretty sure that replacing the expensive fridge is not cost-effective - but if you're playing the Goths, what's a couple of hundred simoleons?

I think you'd probably like some of Sandy's stuff for your sims - she has a dog-kennel and dog bowl for the down-and-out dog, plus old shoes instead of rubber bones, and a dogsonly bathtub that is cheap and works well (sims can't use it, so I always stick it outside).  The Indus Bedroom is great for that loft you're trying to refurbish (Indus = Industrial (not River Indus).  And the Nightlife fridges come in some cheerful colours, and cost about the same as the expensive fridge.  Around The Sims 2 is definitely one of my favourite sites.  

The only problem I have with custom kitchens is that Numenor's SlotEnabler doesn't work for them, so you can't stick a mixer on the corner unit.  

Zephyr Zodiac
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Son of Perdition

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #11 on: 2007 November 02, 14:59:25 »

All my 'hoods have been custom jobs, so I've never played the Goths.  Mind you, what with trying to keep sims busy and out of the way, they skill a lot as kids and teens.  By the time they get to adult, they usually rocket to the top of whatever career they have, so money is not a problem.  In fact, they need places to spend it.  Consequently, buying fridges, expensive groceries, or replacing all the furniture every couple of weeks seems to work.

For nurseries, I generally just put a cheap maxis fridge in with garbage can and highchairs so that spawn can be fed and the debris disposed of with minimum fuss.

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #12 on: 2007 November 02, 15:27:15 »

Curse you ZZ, I am trying not to have downloaded objects in my game, at least not until I get some more RAM (hint to Faizah, if you're reading this: your mother's birthday is this month).

I went and drooled over many of the objects at Around The Sims, but stubbornly refused to download any CC.

Until I saw their teapots.  If I ever decided to be a collector of fragile dust-gathering objects, my choice of collectable object would be teapots (another hint to Faizah: Christmas is next month).  I have a sim that I want to put in a business, but hadn't yet decided what she'd sell in her store, these teapots will be perfect for her business.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
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The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #13 on: 2007 November 02, 15:33:01 »

I don't bother with high chairs unless the adults spin a want for them. It's a pain to try and rangle a toddler into one of those, to have them throw a fit until they get their food, and then throw a fit until your sim stops dancing in place to take them out.

It's sooo much easier just to have them drag a bottle out, take it to the toddler, put it on the floor and walk away. Then when they're done eating, the sprog can go back to skilling. Best time to get charisma up is as a toddler, because then it's fun.


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J. M. Pescado
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #14 on: 2007 November 02, 15:39:09 »

The high chairs are useless. Why add no less than THREE additional handshake procedures needed to feed the baby? I don't even know who invented the stupid things, I certainly never had one. In my family, a kid old enough to even be put in a high chair is old enough to just be tossed a hunk of meat to gnaw on.

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The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #15 on: 2007 November 02, 15:44:04 »

Exactly. The whole point of toddler-hood is getting those sprog to build up their charisma and logic. Most of the time, if I use the toddler blankets, I can get all three skills up to 8 before they age to child.

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Son of Perdition

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #16 on: 2007 November 02, 16:42:01 »

Exactly. The whole point of toddler-hood is getting those sprog to build up their charisma and logic. Most of the time, if I use the toddler blankets, I can get all three skills up to 8 before they age to child.

I do a fair bit of toddler/child skilling, but probably more tarteted to type of sim.  My toddlers skill a lot ('cos what else is there for them to do really?) - mostly on creativity, some logic.  If I think the kid is going to be popularity or romance I'll leave them with the pink bunny head.  Grouchy child and teen sims spend a fair bit of time building their battle body skill.

I don't really try that hard to max things out - low skill sims are pretty entertaining too for "point and laugh at incompetence" purposes.

I know the highchairs are useless.  I must have had a fit of "realism" when I put one in.  Toddlers generally live on smart milk anyway.


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Asinine Airhead

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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #17 on: 2007 November 02, 20:48:35 »

Okay, I've tried with a Maxis fridge and the leftovers do indeed work.  I had tried with other fridges but they were all custom, too.  Funny thing is, ALL my CC in this particular game I've downloaded in June or later, so I guess a lot of fridges out there haven't been updated for Seasons.

There was like 5 pages of leftovers in the fridge  Cheesy MAN, so those leftovers hold up well! You don't really have to cook for months if you fill it up!

of course the maxis fridge looks silly in my vintage hood.  Undecided But well.

Hairy-Bellied Heretic
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #18 on: 2007 November 02, 21:03:01 »

Exactly. The whole point of toddler-hood is getting those sprog to build up their charisma and logic. Most of the time, if I use the toddler blankets, I can get all three skills up to 8 before they age to child.

Throw autumn and the far east vacation souvenirs into the mix and I seriously start wishing that the baby controller would acknowledge the xylophone.  I'm sick of having to delete all the other toys to make the ankle biters start building creativity when logic and charisma are at 8.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #19 on: 2007 November 03, 04:16:28 »

Throw autumn and the far east vacation souvenirs into the mix and I seriously start wishing that the baby controller would acknowledge the xylophone.  I'm sick of having to delete all the other toys to make the ankle biters start building creativity when logic and charisma are at 8.
Stupid Ness. WTF are you talking about? The Baby Controller *DOES* recognize the Xylophone. It's just last-choice on the priority queue, behind Log-10, Cha-10. Once they max out Logic and Charisma, the xylophone is next.

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Hairy-Bellied Heretic
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #20 on: 2007 November 04, 05:21:55 »

I don't like maxing skills unnecessarily, otherewise they have nothing to do as adults and sit around bored.  I'd prefer it if the baby controller went to creativity at 8 logic and 8 charisma, not 10.

Yes, I'm just a stupid Ness... get over it.  any chance of making it so? Or at least telling me how I can make it so for my game?
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #21 on: 2007 November 04, 09:25:10 »

Nothing to it.

Instance = 0x100C, Title = Sub - Main - Toddler - Skill - Logic

1: stack obj's person data Logic Skill (0x12) < 1000 (0x3E8); true: 2, false: false

Change the literal value there to whatever you want in SimPE. Other trees for other skills like logic here.

J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #22 on: 2007 November 04, 09:59:29 »

Change the literal value there to whatever you want in SimPE. Other trees for other skills like logic here.
That won't work right. If you do that, you'll need to add an entirely seperate secondary tree for what happens when Creativity also maxes out, and then loop back to the top again, and create an escape check for that. Otherwise the code is incomplete, much like the previous checks performed to determine whether to choose logic or creativity first: Right NOW, the method used is to check for future learning possibilities, choose the one with the weakest potential, and do that one first until it reaches a high level, choose secondary priority, loop back, and then finally if nothing can be done for the "hard" skills, fall back to Creativity. Changing this will break the cycle earlier and cause the code to malfunction in the case where the other skills are not maxed and creativity is. In the DEFAULT code, we don't care, because by the time we've resorted to creativity, we have maxed out everything else we can. In the new code, you'll need an additional fallback routine for that, which is not something Ness can write.

Basically, the priority queues have been set this way through extensive testing: there are just so many creativity enhancers and ZERO charisma options outside of career rewards that things have to work this way to avoid a jam later. Thus, we are going to officially ignore your dumb Ness-like ideas, as it is not possible to create this without a rewrite of the logic loop, and doing so would create suboptimal results.

Death to all Nesses.

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #23 on: 2007 November 04, 19:52:30 »

Basically, the priority queues have been set this way through extensive testing: there are just so many creativity enhancers and ZERO charisma options outside of career rewards that things have to work this way to avoid a jam later. Thus, we are going to officially ignore your dumb Ness-like ideas, as it is not possible to create this without a rewrite of the logic loop, and doing so would create suboptimal results.

What benefit does maxing out charisma and logic as a toddler actually have? You only need 8 points to get a scholarship and later in life you might want the aspiration boost of maxing out a skill at a strategic moment. Once you have 8 I am not sure why you would need any more before adult life. It actually seems like a waste of time to max skills unnecessarily so early in life. I'd like to get to 8 in logic, charisma, and creativity before childhood and then focus on getting each of the other skills to 8 during the child and teen lifestages. I guess it would be help you if you want to use a sim as a sales slave because they would earn the badge a bit faster, but the sales badges aren't exactly difficult to earn even with "only" 8 charisma points. Besides, if you really want to max the skill you can always finish the last two when a sim is a teenager without any negative consequences (except for the slightly lower badge gain rate, but what difference does it make? We always end up complaining that our sims get boring after they have learned anything so why not let it take a bit longer?). What kind of "jam" is a child with 8 charisma points really going to get into?

That said it isn't such a big deal to pop the rabbit head into a sim's inventory or delete it to force the toddler to skill on something else once they've hit 8. I guess it could get annoying after awhile. This isn't something that has ever bothered me, but I can understand where Ness is coming from.

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Hairy-Bellied Heretic
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Re: "Have a Leftover" option is gone.
« Reply #24 on: 2007 November 04, 20:25:25 »

Thank you, Invisigoth!
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